Union Transformation example
You have demographic data about employees from two flat file sources and you want to merge that data.
You receive the following data in a .txt file:
1211,John,Davis,Redwood City,jdavis@infa2.com,555-555-4444
1199,Nina,Reinhardt,New York,nreinhardt@infa3.com,444-555-5555
A second file contains the following data:
You want to merge those records into a single dataset in MySQL with the following columns:
- •id
- •last
- •first
- •email
- •phone
Note: Remember that the data to be merged with a Union transformation must have the same data type, precision, and scale.
To merge the files with a Union transformation, complete the following steps:
- 1Ensure that the source files reside in a location accessible to your Secure Agent.
- 2Define a connection to access the .csv files.
- 3Create a mapping in the Mapping Designer.
- 4Add two Source transformations to the mapping to connect to data in the .csv files.
- 5Add a Union transformation and connect the Source transformations to it.
- 6In the Union transformation Properties, perform the following steps for each input group:
- aIn the Field Rules section, click the group you want to configure.
- b(Optional) For the incoming fields, select the fields you want to merge in the output.
The following image shows the selected fields in the first input group:
The following image shows the selected fields in the second input group:
If you do not specify a rule to exclude fields, at run time, the task ignores any fields that you do not map to the output fields.
- cEdit the Output field names in the Union transformation, to correspond to the field names that you want in the target:
Note: You can also select fields, change metadata, add other fields, or convert the field types, for example, from integer to number.
- 7In the Field Mapping of the Union transformation, ensure that the fields are correctly mapped for each input group:
- 8Add a Target transformation to the mapping.
- 9Connect the Union transformation to the Target transformation.
- 10In the Target transformation field mapping, select automatic field mapping:
When complete, the mapping appears similar to the following image: