Components > Fixed-width file formats > Creating a fixed-width file format

Creating a fixed-width file format

Create a fixed-width file format so that you can use a fixed-width flat file as a source or target in a mapping.
When you specify format options for a fixed-width file format, use a sample flat file. The data in the sample file appears on the page to help you determine the appropriate format options for your data. The format options that you specify do not alter or save the sample file.
    1Click New > Components > Fixed Width File Format and then click Create.
    To edit a fixed-width file format, on the Explore page, navigate to the fixed-width file format. In the row that contains the fixed-width file format, click Actions and select Edit.
    2Enter the following fixed-width file format details:
    Configuration Name
    Name of the fixed-width file format.
    Location of the fixed-width file format. Browse to the folder where you want to store the fixed-width file format or use the default location.
    If the Explore page is currently active and a project or folder is selected, the default location for the asset is the selected project or folder. Otherwise, the default location is the location of the most recently saved asset.
    Description of the fixed-width file format.
    3Specify the following connection details for the sample fiat file:
    Sample Flat File Connection
    Connection to the sample file that you use to specify the fixed-width format.
    Sample Object
    Sample file that you use to specify the format options.
    4Configure the column boundaries to fit the data in your sample file. You can enter the boundaries in the Column boundaries field or you can position the boundaries using the ruler.
    The following image shows a fixed-width file format with boundaries configured for six columns:
    The sample flat file shows below a ruler. Five boundaries are shown on the ruler. The Column Boundaries field shows the location of the columns in bytes.
    5To add or change column names and edit datatypes, click Edit Columns and then enter the column name and select the datatype for each column.
    6To specify advanced properties, click Additional Attributes and specify the following properties:
    Line sequential
    Ends each row with a newline character. Must be enabled when you use a fixed-width file format for a flat file source or target object. Line sequential is enabled by default.
    Number of rows to skip
    Number of initial rows to skip. For example, you might want to skip blank rows or header rows.
    Number of bytes to skip after column ending
    Number of bytes between the last column of one row and the first column of the next.
    Null character type
    Whether the null character is text or ASCII.
    Null character
    Character to represent a null value.
    Repeat null character
    Reads repeat null characters in a single field as a single null value.
    Strip trailing blanks
    Removes trailing blanks from string values.
    Default Date Format
    Date format to use for the column when a date format is not specified in the flat file connection. To specify the default date format, enter the following information:
    • - Whether the field width is adjusted or fixed. Enter A for adjusted width or F for fixed width followed by two spaces.
    • - The field width in bytes.
    • - The date format.
    For example, if you want the format to be fixed width with a width of 12 bytes and date format of DD/MM/YYYY, enter the following text:
    F 12 DD/MM/YYYY
    To save the advanced properties, click OK.
    7To save the fixed-width file format, click Save.