Components > Business services > Defining a business service

Defining a business service

To define a business service, perform the following steps:
    1Click New > Components > Business Services and then click Create.
    2Enter a name for the business service and select the location to save it.
    3Select the connection that you want to use or create a new one.
    4Optionally, to refresh the connection metadata every time you run the task, enable dynamic refresh.
    5Select the operation you want to use from the web service.
    6If necessary, configure the operation to specify the choice elements and derived type elements for the request and the response.
    If operation components include choice elements or complexType elements where the abstract attribute is true, then you must choose one or more elements or derived types when you configure the operation mapping.
    Optionally, for a complexType element where the abstract attribute is false, you can also select a derived type for a complexType element.
    1. aFor the operation you want to configure, click Configure.
    2. bFrom the Configure Operation window, click the Request, Response, or Fault tab and navigate to the node you need to configure.
    3. Note: If the WSDL uses the anyAttribute element, the element will not appear for the request or the response.
      You can click the icons at the top to navigate to the nodes that you need to configure:
      The icons at the top of the Configure Operation dialog box help you navigate to the nodes that you need to configure. You can expand all nodes, collapse all nodes, or show only nodes that you must configure.
        aExpand all nodes.
        bCollapse all nodes.
        cShow only nodes that you must configure. If you select this icon and no nodes expand, then you do not have to choose any choice elements or derived types.
    4. cSelect the choice elements or derived types.
    5. Ensure that you configure the request and the response for the operation by clicking the relevant tabs.
    6. dSave the configured operation.
    7Optionally, add more operations and configure the operations if necessary.
    8Save the business service.
    If you have not configured all the required choice elements and derived types, then you cannot save the business service.