Components > Refining intelligent structure models > Edit the structure of Microsoft Excel input

Edit the structure of Microsoft Excel input

When the input of a model is a Microsoft Excel file, by default, Intelligent Structure Discovery doesn't include the metadata of the Excel spreadsheet in the structure, including the name and index number of the spreadsheet.
To include the spreadsheet name or index number in the structure, on the Visual Model tab of the Intelligent Structure Model page, right-click the sheetName or sheetIndex node, respectively, and select Include in Structure.
On the input data panel of the Intelligent Structure Model page, Intelligent Structure Discovery shows the model data in table format. When you hover over the table, the Edit button appears. Clicking the button opens a menu that you can use to perform the following actions on the table:
The following figure shows a sample input data panel for a Microsoft Excel input file and the menu that you use to edit the table:
In this image, the input data panel shows a Microsoft Excel table without headings. The menu is open and shows the apply, transpose, convert to name-value pairs/convert to table, remove all headers, and cancel buttons.
  1. 1Apply
  2. 2Transpose
  3. 3Convert to name-value pairs/Convert to table
  4. 4Remove all headers
  5. 5Cancel

Transposing a table

You can transpose tables in models that are based on Microsoft Excel files.
    1On the Intelligent Structure Model page, on the input data panel, hover over the table and click the Edit button.
    2Click the Transpose button.
    The orientation of the table changes. The change shows on the input data panel and in the model on the Visual Model tab.

Switching between a table and name-value pairs

You can switch between a two-column or two-row table and name-value pairs in models that are based on Microsoft Excel files.
    1On the Intelligent Structure Model page, on the input data panel, hover over the table and click the Edit button.
    2Click the Convert to name-value pairs or the Convert to table button, as applicable.
    Note: The Convert to table button is enabled only for two-column and two-row tables. You can't convert larger tables to name-value pairs.
    The revised structure shows on the input data panel and in the model on the Visual Model tab.

Defining table headers

You can define rows and columns as table headers in models that are based on Microsoft Excel files.
    1On the Intelligent Structure Model page, on the input data panel, hover over the table, click the Edit button, and select the required rows or columns.
    The selected rows or columns appear in green.
    The image shows the input data panel with one selected header row in green and the menu that you use to edit the table.
    2Click the Apply button.
    The selected rows or columns show as headers in the model on the Visual Model tab.
    3To clear the selection of table headers, on the input data panel, click the Remove all headers button.