Components > Intelligent structure models > Inputs for intelligent structure models

Inputs for intelligent structure models

The input that you base an intelligent structure model on can be a sample file, an XSD schema, an Avro schema, or a Cobol copybook, based on the input that you expect to use the model for at run time.
Input files can be up to 1 MB in size. An input file can contain up to 30,000 simple fields. If the file contains more than 30,000 simple fields, Intelligent Structure Discovery creates the model without groups and ports. The number of levels in the hierarchy isn't limited.
To achieve optimal parsing results, ensure that the input that you provide when you create the model is broad enough and covers all the data elements that you expect the model to receive at run time. If the input is too limited, the parsing output will include unidentified data. If the input contains rows, it must contain at least three lines of data.
Use simplified input to generate the model. For example, if the input data has tables, provide a table with just a few sample rows rather than many rows of data. If you use a JSON input file that contains repeating groups of data, limit the number of repetitions.
If the model does not match the runtime input data, or only partially matches the input data, there might be a large amount of unidentified data and data loss. However, some variations will still be parsed.
Verify that the length of each combination of group name and field name doesn't exceed 255 characters. For example, if the name of the group that a field belongs to is group, the field name can't exceed 250 characters. If a combination of group name and field name exceeds 255 characters, mappings that use the model fail to run.

Discover structure from an entire XML or JSON sample file

By default, Intelligent Structure Discovery discovers the structure of the data based on the first portion of the input file. When you base a model on an XML or JSON file, you can choose to discover the structure of the data based on the entire file, up to 30 MB. Use this option if the first portion of the file doesn't represent all the input that you expect to use the model for at run time.
Note that when Intelligent Structure Discovery discovers the structure of the data based on the entire file, the discovery process might take a few minutes to complete.

Discover structure from a Microsoft Excel file

You can base a model on the following types of Microsoft Excel files: xla, xlam, xls, xlsm, xlsx, xlt, xltm, and xltx.

Using ORC files

You can use the model to read ORC files through a flat file connection in Data Integration. You can't use the model for ORC streaming.

Using multiple sample files in a model

After you create a model based on a JSON, XML, ORC, AVRO, or PARQUET sample file, you can use additional sample files to enrich the structure with fields that exist in the new samples. The additional files must be of the same file type as the type of file that the model is based on.

Using multi-file XSD schemas

Consider the following guidelines when you use an XSD schema that contains multiple XSD files as the model input:

Discover structure from large XSD schemas

When you base a model on an XSD schema, by default, Intelligent Structure Discovery can discover the structure of the data from schemas that are up to 1.5 MB in size. To use a larger file, perform one of the following actions:
If you use a large schema without taking one of these actions, Intelligent Structure Discovery treats the input as XML and discovers the structure based on partial data.

Using XML sample files in XSD-based models

When you create an XSD-based model to use in a Structure Parser transformation, you can attach an XML sample file to the model. The names and contents of the groups in the model appear in the Intelligent Structure Model page. When you associate the model with the Structure Parser transformation, use this information to decide which group to connect to the target. Attaching a sample file to the model doesn't affect or change the structure of the model.

Parsing JSON-encoded Avro messages

You can use models that are based on an Avro schema to parse JSON-encoded Avro messages.

Character encoding in XSD schemas

XSD schemas that you use as model inputs can use either UTF-8 or UTF-16 character encoding.