Components > Refining intelligent structure models > Intelligent structure model views

Intelligent structure model views

The Intelligent Structure Model page includes different views to help you visualize the model, refine the structure, test the output, and configure settings.
The following image shows a sample of the Intelligent Structure Model page:
The image shows part of the Intelligent Structure Model page, with the input data panel above, and below, the intelligent structure in the Visual Model tab, and the output groups in the Relational Output tab.
After you upload an input file and click Discover Structure, a panel shows a preview of the data file. When the sample file is an Excel file with multiple sheets, you can select which sheet to preview. When the input contains lengthy rows of data, you can select Word wrap to wrap each row. If you don't wrap lengthy input rows, only part of each row shows on the panel. Wrapping the text does not affect the intelligent structure or the input format. The panel is not available when the input is an XSD schema
Use the tabs on the Intelligent Structure Model page to refine the discovered structure. The following table describes the tabs:
Visual Model
Review the discovered structure in the tree view or folder view. The visual model shows the discovered data types as nodes, and you can perform actions on the nodes, such as changing the root node, renaming a node, and splitting a node.
Relational Output
Edit the output groups that the intelligent structure generates.
View the discovered structure in JSON or XML format.
Find & Actions
Search for structure elements, such as nodes and fields, and perform actions on multiple nodes.
Test the output that Intelligent Structure Discovery generates based on the model.
Configure settings for XML and XSD input files.
Before you discover the structure of a file, you can configure how Intelligent Structure Discovery defines the output groups. For more information, see Output group definition.
After you discover the structure of the file, you can configure how the intelligent structure model handles leading and lagging spaces. By default, the model trims all leading and lagging spaces.