Tasks > Replication tasks > Configuring a replication task

Configuring a replication task

Configure a replication task to replicate data from a source to a target. When you configure a replication task, you specify the source connection, target connection, and the objects to replicate.
A replication task can replicate data from one or more Salesforce objects or database tables. When you configure the task, you can replicate all available objects through the selected connection, or you can select objects for replication by including or excluding a set of objects. You can also exclude rows and columns from the replication task.
Configure a replication task to run full or incremental loads. Perform a full load to replicate all rows for each object. Perform an incremental load to replicate rows that are new or changed since the last time you ran the task.
Associate a schedule with a replication task to specify when and how often the task runs. If you remove the replication task from a schedule as the task runs, the task completes. The replication task cancels any additional task runs associated with the schedule.
To configure a replication task, use the replication task wizard to perform the following steps:
  1. 1Complete the prerequisite tasks.
  2. 2Create the replication task.
  3. 3Configure the source.
  4. 4Configure the target.
  5. 5Optionally, exclude fields.
  6. 6Optionally, configure data filters.
  7. 7Optionally, configure a schedule and advanced options.
As you work through the task wizard, you can click Save to save your work at any time. When you have completed the wizard, you can click Finish to save and close the task wizard.

Rules and guidelines for configuring replication tasks

Consider the following rules and guidelines when you configure a replication task:

Replication prerequisite tasks

Complete the following prerequisite tasks before you create a replication task:
  1. 1Verify that a database target exists.
  2. To replicate data to a database target, the database target must exist before you create the replication task. If a database does not exist, the database administrator must create a target database. The database must meet the minimum system requirements.
  3. 2Create database users.
  4. To replicate data to a database target, the database administrator must create a database user account in the target database. Each database user account must have the CREATE, DELETE, DROP, INSERT, SELECT, and UPDATE privileges. You must have a database user account for each replication task that writes to that database. You can use the same database user account for multiple replication tasks. If you use the same database user account for multiple groups, ensure that the replication tasks do not overwrite data in the same target tables.
  5. 3Create a directory for the flat files.
  6. To replicate data to a flat file, create a directory to store the flat files.
  7. 4Optionally, create a schedule.
  8. To run replication tasks at specified times or on regular intervals, create a schedule.

Defining a replication task

Define a replication task using the replication task wizard.
    1To create a replication task, click New > Tasks. Select Replication Task and then click Create.
    To edit a replication task, on the Explore page, navigate to the task. In the row that contains the task, click Actions and select Edit.
    2In the Replication Task Details, configure the following properties:
    Task Name
    Name of the replication task.
    Task names can contain alphanumeric characters, spaces, and the following special characters: _ . + -
    Maximum length is 100 characters. Task names are not case sensitive.
    Project folder in which the task resides.
    If the Explore page is currently active and a project or folder is selected, the default location for the asset is the selected project or folder. Otherwise, the default location is the location of the most recently saved asset.
    Description of the task.
    Maximum length is 255 characters.
    3Click Next.

Configuring the source

Configure the source on the Source page of the replication task wizard.
Note: Column names of a database source must not contain spaces or hyphens.
If you replicate a source with a name that includes a dollar sign ($), the replication task replaces the dollar sign with an underscore (_) in the target name.
    1In the Source Details area, select a connection.
    To create a connection, click New. To edit a connection, click View, and in the View Connection dialog box, click Edit.
    2To select the objects to replicate, select one of the following options:
    The Available Objects area displays up to 200 objects. If the objects that you want to use do not display, enter a search string to reduce the number of objects that display.
    When you select an object, it displays in a list. To remove a selected object, select the object and press Delete.
    3If you want the replication task to stop processing when it encounters an error, click Cancel processing the remaining objects.
    If you want the replication task to continue to process a task after it encounters an error, click Continue processing of the remaining objects.
    By default, the replication task stops processing the task when it encounters an error.
    4To display technical names instead of business names for some source types, click Display technical names instead of labels.
    5Click Next.

Configuring the target

    1On the Target page, enter the following information:
    Connection to the target object.
    To create a connection, click New.
    To edit a connection, click View, and in the View Connection dialog box, click Edit.
    Target Prefix
    Prefix that is added to Salesforce object names to create the flat file names or table names in a target database. By default, the prefix is SF_.
    Load Type
    Type of load. Select one of the following options:
    • - Incremental loads after initial full load. Loads all data the first time the task runs. In subsequent runs, loads changed data only.
    • - Incremental loads after initial partial load. Loads data created or modified after a specified period in time. If you select this option, enter the date and time, for example, August 29, 2015 at 2:00. The replication task uses the time zone that is set for the user. If the server on which the data resides is located in a different time zone, adjust the date and time accordingly.
    • For example, the time zone for the user is Pacific Time and the time zone for the server is Eastern Time, which is three hours ahead of Pacific Time. The user wants the initial load to replicate data modified on the server after August 29, 2015 at 2:00 AM. Because the user's time zone is Pacific Time, the user specifies August 28, 2015 and 11:00 PM.
    • - Full Load each run. Loads all data every time the task runs.
    This option is enabled for tasks with a Salesforce source and a relational target. For all other tasks, the replication task performs a full load.
    Delete Options
    Select one of the following options:
    • - Remove Deleted Columns and Rows. Deletes columns and rows from the target if they no longer exist in the source.
    • - Retain Deleted Columns and Rows. Retains columns and rows in the target that were removed from the source.
    Commit Size
    Number of rows to commit.
    Default for full load replication is 5,000 rows. Default for incremental load replication is 999,999,999.
    2Click Next.

Configuring the field exclusions

To limit the fields loaded in to a target, configure field exclusions for each source object. By default, the replication task loads all fields in to the target.
    1On the Field Exclusion page, click Exclude Fields.
    2In the Field Exclusion dialog box, select the source object that you want to use.
    3In the Included Fields list, select and move the fields that you want to exclude to the Excluded Fields list.
    4Click OK.
    The excluded fields display in the Field Exclusion page. To remove an excluded field, click Delete next to the field.
    5Click Next.

Configuring the data filters

By default, the replication task replicates all source rows to the target. To filter source rows that are replicated, configure data filters. If you replicate multiple source objects, create a different set of data filters for each object.
    1On the Data Filters page, enter the following details:
    Row Limit
    Select one of the following options:
    • - Process all Rows. Replicates all rows of the source.
    • - Process Only the First... Rows. Replicates the first X rows, where X is the number of rows. You might choose to process the first set of rows to test the task.
    You cannot specify a row limit on replication tasks with non-Salesforce sources. If you select a non-Salesforce source, the option is disabled.
    Data Filters
    Click New to create a data filter on a Salesforce or database source. You can create simple or advanced data filters.
    2Click the Delete icon next to the data filter to delete the filter.
    3Click Next.

Configuring a schedule and advanced options

Configure a schedule and advanced options for a replication task on the Schedule page of the task wizard.
    1On the Schedule page, choose whether to run the task on a schedule or without a schedule.
    2To run a task on a schedule, click Run this task on schedule and select the schedule you want to use.
    To create a new schedule, click New. Enter schedule details and click OK.
    To remove the task from a schedule, click Do not run this task on a schedule.
    3Optionally, if the task runs in a serverless runtime environment, configure serverless usage properties.
    4Configure email notification options for the task.
    5Optionally, enter the advanced options as required.
    Advanced option
    High Precision Calculations
    In calculated fields, allows for precisions of up to 28.
    Recommended for Salesforce calculation fields.
    Use Float Semantic
    When enabled, the task uses a target-specific floating point data type.
    Preprocessing Commands
    Commands to run before the task.
    Postprocessing Commands
    Commands to run after the task completes.
    Maximum Number of Log Files
    Number of session log files and import log files to retain. By default, Data Integration stores each type of log file for 10 runs before it overwrites the log files for new runs.
    6Choose whether to run the task in standard or verbose execution mode.
    If you select Verbose mode, the mapping generates additional data in the logs that you can use for troubleshooting. It is recommended that you select verbose execution mode only for troubleshooting purposes. Verbose execution mode impacts performance because of the amount of data it generates.
    7Click Finish.