Tasks > Dynamic mapping tasks > Parameters in dynamic mapping tasks

Parameters in dynamic mapping tasks

The Parameters page lists the parameters that are defined in the mapping that the dynamic mapping task is based on. You can configure the default value, and settings for each parameter on this page.
By default, Data Integration assigns local scope to each parameter and you configure parameters for each job. If you want to apply a default parameter value and settings to each job in the dynamic mapping task, configure default values and settings on the Parameters page.
The following image shows the Parameters page:
The image shows the parameters page with eight parameters. The page shows the type, name, and scope for each parameter. The page also shows the parameter value for parameters with default scope. Parameters with local scope do not have a parameter value.
To configure a default parameter, click the row that contains the parameter and select Default scope. If the parameter has a default value assigned in the mapping, Data Integration lists the value in the Parameter Value column. You can override the default value or assign a different value to each job in the task. When you update the default parameter value on the Parameters page, Data Integration updates the value in jobs with the default parameter value. Data Integration does not update jobs with local scope or jobs where the default value was overridden.
You can sort the parameters on the page by parameter type or name. You can also filter the parameters on the page by parameter name, type, and scope.
Some parameter values depend on other parameters. For example, if a mapping contains a target connection and a target object parameter, you must configure the target connection parameter value before you configure the target object parameter value. Configure parameter values from the top down.
When you configure a source or lookup object with a database connection, you can select a single object or enter a custom query if the task is if the task is not based on a mapping in advanced mode. For more information about configuring data objects and custom queries, see Transformations.
Data Integration does not apply filter and sort parameter values unless the source is parameterized.
You cannot override parameters in a dynamic mapping task with values in a parameter file.

Parameter scope

The parameter scope determines how Data Integration applies the parameter values to the jobs in a dynamic mapping task.
The following table describes the parameter scope options:
Data Integration copies the value to the parameter in every job. You can override the default value for an individual job when you configure the job.
You assign the value of the parameter in each job.
By default, Data Integration applies local scope to every parameter. When you select default scope, you must provide a value in the Parameter Value column.
The scope of in-out parameters and sequence parameters is always local.

Parameter settings

You can configure settings for parameters in a dynamic mapping task such as formatting options, advanced attributes, or field metadata.
The settings that you can configure vary based on the type of parameter and the parameter value. For example, the settings that you can configure are different for object and connection parameters.
If the parameter is a data object, you can preview data for the selected object.
You can configure settings for parameters with default scope on the Parameters page. You configure settings for parameters with local scope within each job on the Jobs page.