You can use SQL ELT optimization to push transformation logic to source databases or target databases for execution. Use SQL ELT optimization when using database resources can improve task performance.
When you run a task configured for SQL ELT optimization, the task converts the transformation logic to an SQL query. The task sends the query to the database, and the database executes the query.
The amount of transformation logic that you can push to the database depends on the database, transformation logic, and task configuration. The task processes all transformation logic that it cannot push to a database.
Use the SQL ELT Optimization advanced session properties to configure SQL ELT optimization for a task. You can configure the SQL ELT optimization type, how to run the task if SQL ELT optimization is not possible, whether to allow the task to create temporary views in the database, and other options.
SQL ELT Optimization advanced session properties aren't displayed for mapping tasks that are based on mappings in SQL ELT mode because mappings in SQL ELT mode are automatically configured to push transformation logic to the cloud data warehouse.
Note: SQL ELT optimization functionality varies depending on the support available for the connector. For more information, see the help for the appropriate connector.
SQL ELT optimization in advanced mode
You can run a mapping in advanced mode using full SQL ELT optimization to push all transformation logic to the source and target databases.
If full SQL ELT optimization isn't possible, Data Integration runs the mapping logic on the Data Integration Server and on an advanced cluster.
The following table describes the log files that you can use to troubleshoot the job:
Log file
Session log
Indicates whether SQL ELT optimization is possible.
Mapping compilation log
Displays the SQL query that runs on the database.
Spark driver log
Displays the SQL query that runs on the database and the individual entries that track job progress on the database.
For more information about viewing log files, see Monitor.