Tasks > Masking rules > SSN masking

SSN masking

SSN masking applies a built-in mask format to change Social Security numbers.
The SSN masking accepts any SSN format that contains nine digits. You can delimit the digits with any characters. The following delimiters are valid:
space, no space, #, +, -, *, =, ~, !, @, $, %, ^, &, *, :, ;, ", ., /, and ,
For example, the SSN masking rule accepts the following format:
The following examples of Social Security numbers are valid formats:
If the source does not contain a valid format, the task replaces with default values from the defaultValue.xml file.
You can configure repeatable masking for Social Security numbers. You must select Repeatable and enter a seed value.
The masking task cannot return all unique Social Security numbers because it does not return valid Social Security numbers that the Social Security Administration has issued.