CHRCODE returns the numeric UNICODE value of the first character of the string passed to the function.
Normally, before you pass any string value to CHRCODE, you parse out the specific character you want to convert to a UNICODE value. For example, you might use RTRIM or another string-manipulation function. If you pass a numeric value, CHRCODE converts it to a character string and returns the UNICODE value of the first character in the string.
Note: This function is identical in behavior to the ASCII function. If you currently use ASCII in expressions, it will still work correctly. However, when you create new expressions, use the CHRCODE function instead of the ASCII function.
CHRCODE ( string )
Character string. Passes the values you want to return as UNICODE values. You can enter any valid expression.
Return Value
Integer. The UNICODE value of the first character in the string.
NULL if a value passed to the function is NULL.
The following expression returns the UNICODE value for the first character of each value in the ITEMS column: