When you monitor a subtask that runs on an advanced cluster, you can view the execution plan, the session log, the agent job log, and the Spark driver and Spark executor logs. If an initialization script runs on the cluster, you can also view the init script logs and cloud-init logs.
To access a specific log file for the job, you might have to download the log from Data Integration or from your cloud platform.
The following table indicates whether you can download each log from Data Integration, your cloud platform, or both:
Download location
Execution plan
Data Integration
Session log
Data Integration
Agent job log
Data Integration, cloud platform¹
Spark driver log
Data Integration, cloud platform¹
Spark executor log
Data Integration², cloud platform¹
Initialization script log
Cloud platform
Cloud-init log
Cloud platform
Spark event log
Cloud platform
1 If you use a serverless runtime environment, downloading from your cloud platform is not available.
2 If you do not use a serverless runtime environment, downloading from Data Integration is not available. Use the displayed log location to download the log from your cloud platform.
Downloading the execution plan and session log
You can download the execution plan and the session log from the job results in Data Integration.
Downloading advanced logs
You can download the agent job log and the Spark driver log in the Spark task details in Data Integration. You can also copy the advanced log location and navigate to the location on your cloud platform. You must navigate to the advanced log location to download Spark executor logs.
If you use a serverless runtime environment, you can download the advanced logs from Data Integration. The Download option becomes available when the job completes.
Downloading init script and cloud-init logs
To download an initialization script log or a cloud-init log, navigate to the following location on your cloud platform:
For more information about the job failure, see the Spark driver log.
Rules and guidelines
Refer to the following rules and guidelines when you view log files:
•If you download the Spark driver and agent job logs while the job is running, the files reflect the current state of the job.
•If you view a log file for a subtask that runs on an advanced cluster with a mapping name that begins with a number or a space, the mapping name is prefixed with an underscore in the log file.
For example, when a log file references a mapping named 123Mapping, the log files use the name _123Mapping.