Review the rules and guidelines for the components of a replication task.
Replication task errors
I chose a source connection while creating a replication task, but I cannot see any available objects to replicate.
When you choose a source connection in the replication task, Data Integration connects to the source to retrieve objects that it can replicate. If the connection is not valid or the connection does not have privilege to view the object in the source system, Data Integration cannot connect to the source and shows no objects.
An error message appears while I configure the target for the replication task.
You cannot configure multiple replication tasks to replicate the same source object to the same target object. For example, you cannot configure two replication tasks to write Salesforce Account data to the SF_ACCOUNT Oracle database table. When you select the same target connection and target object that is used by another replication task, an error appears.
If you replicate all objects for the source connection, the following error appears:
Duplicate data replication task. The data replication task <name of the other data replication task> is also replicating the same objects from the same source to the same target with the same target prefix as this data replication task. Change the target or enter a different target prefix.
If you replicate specific objects for the source connection, the following error appears:
Duplicate data replication task for <object name> object with a target prefix of <target prefix>. The data replication task <name of the other data replication task> is already replicating an object whose target prefixed name is same as this one. Change the target connection or enter a different target prefix or remove the object from the task.
To write data from sources with the same name to different target objects in the same target connection, configure different target prefixes. For more information, see Tasks.
I ran a replication task, but I did not get results in the expected time period.
A replication task may take longer than expected for the following reasons:
•The replication task is in queue because too many replication tasks are running simultaneously. Contact Informatica Global Customer Support to check the status of the replication task.
•You have a large amount of data in the source.
•Database servers have an outage or are experiencing heavy traffic.
Why did my replication task fail?
A replication task might fail for the following reasons:
•The source or target connection might have timed out or it might be down.
•The Secure Agent is not running.
•The target database server is not running. If you restart the database server, the test connection to the database succeeds, but the replication task fails, restart the Secure Agent.
•Your organization's license to use the replication application expired.
•You tried to run a replication task that was already running.
If you verify that the replication task did not fail for any of the above reasons, contact Informatica Global Customer Support and provide the scenario and, if available, error messages.
I did not receive an email notification that stated that my replication task failed.
You can configure the task to send an email to you if the session completes, completes with errors, or fails. If you should receive email for all tasks, ask the organization administrator to configure the organization properties to send you email notification.
The target table name is truncated.
If the length of the source object name exceeds the maximum number of characters allowed for a table name in a relational target, the replication task truncates the corresponding table name. For more information, see Tasks.
The table in the target database does not contain the same data as the corresponding source object.
The replication task overwrites the data in a target table when two source objects from different replication tasks share the same target table. When multiple source objects write to the same target table, the replication task overwrites table data each time you replicate one of the source objects.
To avoid overwriting tables, use a different target table name prefix for each replication task. For more information, see Tasks.
The column name in the target database is truncated.
If the length of the source object name exceeds the maximum number of characters, the replication task truncates the corresponding column name based on the maximum number of characters allowed for the column name in the target database. For more information, see Tasks.
The following error appears when I try to create the target for the replication task:
Please use Reset Target first and then try Create Target again.
This message appears for the following reasons:
•You click the Create Target option twice.
•You edit the replication task, and then click Create Target.
To resolve, click Reset Target, and then click Create Target.