Monitoring Data Ingestion and Replication Jobs > Monitoring Data Ingestion and Replication jobs > Monitoring all ingestion and replication jobs

Monitoring all ingestion and replication jobs

In Operational Insights and Monitor, you can monitor all Data Ingestion and Replication jobs that were deployed, including application ingestion and replication jobs, database ingestion and replication jobs, file ingestion and replication jobs, and streaming ingestion and replication jobs.

Monitoring jobs in Operational Insights

The Data Ingestion and Replication page in Operational Insights displays only Data Ingestion and Replication jobs.
The Data Ingestion and Replication page has the following tabs:

Overview tab

The Overview tab Initially lists all types of ingestion and replication jobs with any status by default. Each button shows the number of jobs that matches the job type or status. For example:
You can use the buttons at the top to filter the jobs by job type and status. If you want to see jobs of a particular job type and status, first select the job type and then select the status. You cannot select multiple status buttons at the same time. To clear a filter, click the selected button again.
To control the status buttons that appear on the Overview tab, click the Edit (pencil) icon. Then in the Reorder Job Status dialog box, select the Visibility check box next to each job status for which you want to display buttons and jobs.
To rearrange the order of the job status buttons, click the Edit (pencil) icon. Then in the Reorder Job Status dialog box, select and drag a job status row up or down.
To show only the jobs that have a status of concern, click Select Statuses Requiring Attention. The following example image shows all jobs with statuses requiring attention:
This option lists the application ingestion and replication jobs or database ingestion and replication jobs with the Failed or Running with Warning status, file ingestion and replication jobs with the Failed status, and streaming ingestion and replication jobs with the Running with Error or Running with Warning status. To clear the filter, click Select Statuses Requiring Attention again. If you want to see jobs that require attention for a specific job type, first select the job type and then click Select Statuses Requiring Attention.
Note: All filters that you set on the Overview tab or in the Reorder Job Status dialog box are active only for the current session or until you change them during the session.

All Jobs tab

The All Jobs tab lists all Data Ingestion and Replication jobs for your organization. For example:
If the list of jobs is long, you can use any of the following methods to find a job:
You can also use the Actions menu at the end of each row to perform an action on the job, such as Redeploy, depending on the job type and status.
Tip: To change the line spacing in the list, click the Settings icon to the right of the Find box.

Monitoring jobs in Monitor

The All Jobs and Running Jobs pages in Monitor shows all jobs and all running jobs respectively, including Data Ingestion and Replication jobs and Data Integration jobs if you run both types of jobs.
The following image shows a sample All Jobs page in Monitor:
You can monitor all running jobs on the Running Jobs page. The Running Jobs page lists the jobs that are starting, queued, running, and suspended. To drill down details of a specific job from either All Jobs or Running Jobs, click the instance name and a page for the job appears.
When you deploy an application ingestion and replication or database ingestion and replication, the newest job doesn't automatically appear at the top of the jobs list on the All Jobs page. You can sort jobs by using the Start Time property or use the find and filter features to search for a specific job.
To find a job on the All Jobs or Running Jobs pages, use any one of the following methods:
Use the Actions menu at the end of each job row to perform actions on a job based on the job status and task type. You can also stop a Data Ingestion and Replication job on the All Jobs and Running Jobs pages using the Stop icon beside the Actions menu.
In the All Jobs page, the retention time for undeployed jobs is based on the Job Log Service (JLS) purge policy.