Field | Type | Description |
id | String | Mapping ID. |
orgId | String | Organization ID. |
name | String | Mapping name. |
description | String | Description of the mapping. |
createTime | Date/time | Time the mapping was created. |
updateTime | Date/time | Last time the mapping was updated. |
createdBy | String | User who created the mapping. |
updatedBy | String | User who last updated the mapping. |
bundleObjectId | String | ID of the bundle that includes the mapping, if applicable. |
bundleVersion | String | Version of the bundle that includes the mapping, if applicable. |
templateId | String | ID of the template created internally to represent the mapping. |
deployTime | Date/time | Time the mapping was deployed. |
hasParameters | Boolean | Indicates if the mapping includes parameters. Returns true or false. |
valid | Boolean | Indicates if the mapping is valid. Returns true or false. |
fixedConnection | Boolean | Indicates if the mapping has fixed connections. Returns true or false. |
hasParametersDeployed | Boolean | Indicates if the mapping has parameters deployed. Returns true or false. |
fixedConnectionDeployed | Boolean | Indicates if the mapping has fixed connections deployed. Returns true or false. |
deployedTemplateId | String | ID of the template created internally to represent the deployed mapping. |
tasks | Int | Number of tasks that use the mapping. |
parameters | Parameters used in the mapping. Includes an mtTaskParameter object for each parameter. | |
id | Long | Included in the mtTaskParameter object. Parameter ID. |
name | String | Included in the mtTaskParameter object. Parameter name. |
type | String | Included in the mtTaskParameter object. Parameter type. |
description | String | Included in the mtTaskParameter object. Parameter description. |
customFuncId | String | Mapplet ID for mapplet type parameters. |
uiProperties | String | Included in the mtParameter object. Display property for the parameter. Includes the following information:
inOutParameters | In-out parameter used in the mapping. Includes a mtTaskInOutParameter object for each in-out parameter. | |
id | Long | Included in the mtTaskInOutParameter object. Parameter ID. |
name | String | Included in the mtTaskInOutParameter object. Parameter name. |
description | String | Included in the mtTaskInOutParameter object. Description of the parameter. |
initialValue | String | Included in the mtTaskInOutParameter object. Initial value for the parameter. |
datatype | String | Included in the mtTaskInOutParameter object. Data type of the parameter. |
precision | String | Included in the mtTaskInOutParameter object. Precision of the parameter. |
scale | String | Included in the mtTaskInOutParameter object. Scale of the parameter. |
retentionPolicy | String | Included in the mtTaskInOutParameter object. Determines when the task retains the current value. |
aggregationType | String | Included in the mtTaskInOutParameter object. Determines the final current value of the parameter when the task runs. |
currentValue | String | Included in the mtTaskInOutParameter object. Current value for the parameter. |
mappingPreviewFileRecordId | String | ID of the image file that is used when previewing a mapping. |
deployedMappingPreviewFileRecordId | String | ID of the image file that is used when previewing a deployed mapping. |
references | Reference information. Returns the reference object, which includes the following attributes: | |
refObjectId | String | Included in the reference object. |
refType | String | Included in the reference object. |