Asset Management > Asset Management > Renaming database ingestion and replication tasks

Renaming database ingestion and replication tasks

You can rename database ingestion and replication tasks.
You can't use the following characters:
# ? ' | { } " ^ & [ ] / \
Do not use these characters in project, folder, asset, or tag names.
    1On the Explore page, select the row for the ingestion task that you want to rename.
    2In the Actions menu for the selected row, click Edit.
    The Definition page of the task wizard appears in edit mode.
    3In the Name field, enter the new name and click Save.
If you rename a database ingestion task, the task name and job name will no longer be synchronized. If you want the task name to correspond to the job name, undeploy the job and then deploy the task again. Any log history will be lost.