Asset Management > Asset Management > Tags


A tag is an asset property that you can use to group assets. Create tags to filter for assets that share a common attribute on the Explore page.
For example, each of your organization's assets includes a tag that identifies the regional office that manages the asset. You want to view all of the assets that the Southwest regional office manages. On the Explore page, you explore by tag and then click the SWRegion tag.
The following image shows this configuration:
The Explore page lists the assets that are associated with the SW Region tag.
You can assign tags to all asset types. You must have permissions to assign tags to assets. An asset can have up to 64 tags.
You can find all of the assets that have a particular tag using one of the following methods:
The following image shows an Explore page that lists all the tags created for the organization:
The Explore page shows a list of three tags that have been created for the organization. The Name column lists tags NE Region, NW Region, and SW Region. For each tag, the number of associated assets, the description, and the last time the tag was updated appears on the page.

Creating tags

Use an asset's Properties dialog box to create and assign tags for that asset or to create tags to be available for future use.
Perform the following steps to create multiple tags without assigning them to an asset:
    1On the Explore page, browse by asset type.
    2In a row that contains an asset, click Actions and select Properties.
    3In the Tags field, enter the name of a tag that you want to create, and then press Enter.
    A tag can have a maximum of 255 characters.
    You can't use control characters or the following special characters in project, folder, asset, or tag names:
    # ? ' | { } " ^ & [ ] / \
    4Continue to enter the desired tags. Press Enter after each tag name to add it to the tag list.
    The Properties dialog box shows the asset name as Accounts_Archive. It includes the description and a list of tags associated with the asset. The bottom of the box contains the Save and Cancel buttons.
    5After you have entered the tags, delete the tags from the Tags field so that the asset does not become associated with the tags. The tags will still appear in the list of available tags.
    6Click Save.

Assigning tags to an ingestion task

After you define an ingestion task, you can assign tags to the task. You can then filter the tasks on the Explore page based on one or more tag names.
    1In Data Ingestion and Replication, open the Explore page.
    2If a list of projects is displayed, select the project or project folder that contains the ingestion task to which you want to assign one or more tags.
    3In the All Assets or All Assets > ingestion task type view, select the row for the ingestion task.
    4In the Actions menu for the selected row, click Properties. Alternatively, right-click the row and select Properties.
    The Properties dialog box for the task appears.
    5In the Tags list, select one or more existing tags or enter a new tag name.
    6Click Save.
After you assign tags to ingestion tasks, you can find all ingestion tasks that have a particular tag name from the Explore page. Click Explore > Tags. Then in the list of tags, click a tag name to see a list of the tasks with that tag. You can drill down on a task name to see the task details.
Alternatively, in a list of task assets, click a tag name in the Tags column.

Editing and deleting tags

You can edit or delete a tag on the Explore page.
Edit a tag name or description in the tag properties. When you edit a tag, the properties for associated assets update as well. For example, if your m_sales asset has the NorthWest tag and you change the name of the tag to NW, the name of the tag changes to NW in the m_sales asset properties.
If you delete a tag, the tag no longer appears in the asset properties.
    1On the Explore page, browse by tags.
    2In the row that contains the tag, perform one of the following tasks: