Data Ingestion and Replication Release Notes > Database Ingestion and Replication > Connector and connectivity issues

Connector and connectivity issues

Read the following pages to learn about fixed issues, known limitations, and third-party limitations that apply to connectors that you can use in your service. Consider the following guidelines for the release notes:

Amazon S3 V2

Fixed issues

The following table describes fixed issues:
Database ingestion and replication combined load jobs that have an Amazon S3 target and use the Avro or Parquet format for output files might encounter the following error during backlog processing if the unload phase of the job runs on a Secure Agent different from the one that the job runs on:
Internal logic error - CacheFactory for internal DBMI task is not expected. com.infa.rat.dbmi.reader.impl.BacklogTaskSetupException: BacklogTaskMainThread Failed to configure its BacklogTask
Also, in the monitoring job details, the Stage value reported for some source tables might remain at Unloaded rather than progress.
(April 2025)

Known issues

The following table describes known issues:
If database ingestion and replication incremental load or combined initial and incremental load jobs replicate LOB source data to an Amazon S3 target and use the CSV format for the target output file, the LOB data appears as empty strings in the target file.
(November 2022)
Although the Amazon S3 connection properties allow users to specify an IAM role, you cannot use temporary security credentials generated by the AssumeRole method of the AWS Security Token Service API to authorize user access to AWS Amazon S3 resources.
(April 2020)


Fixed issues

The following table describes fixed issues:
Database ingestion and replication jobs that have a Databricks target might replicate NULLs for columns that have LOB data types.
February (2025)
A database ingestion and replication combined initial and incremental load job that has a Databricks target, contains LOB columns, and has no primary key defined might fail with an error similar to:
Statement Builder Helper(214)] ERROR com.informatica.msglogger - [CDCPUB_10066] TRACE: [TableContextCalculator failed with unexpected exception <Index: 68, Size: 68>]
(October 2024)
Database ingestion and replication combined load jobs that have a Databricks target and use the Audit apply mode might fail if the source tables contain decimal columns with a precision greater than 9 digits.
(October 2024)

Db2 for i Database Ingestion

Fixed issues

The following table describes fixed issues:
Database ingestion and replication combined initial and incremental load jobs that have a Db2 for i source might fail during merge apply processing of change data if the source has a large number of journal receivers with frequent log sequence resets. In this case, the job log volume increases and consumes too much space.
(February 2025)
Database ingestion and replication incremental load and combined load jobs that have a Db2 for i source might encounter the following error if a log sequence reset occurs on every journal receiver switch and if the first log record timestamp on a reset journal receiver contains subseconds shorter than 23 bytes when timestamp- or position-based restart is used.
[CDCPUB_10066] TRACE: [IBMiClient setErrorCondition() called. Error<IBMiUOWManager Log sequence reset/switch error, String index out of range: 23>].
(February 2025)
Database ingestion and replication incremental load and combined load jobs that have a Db2 for i source fail if you set the Initial Start Point for Incremental Load option to Position or Specific Date and Time.
(February 2025)
Database ingestion and replication incremental load or combined load jobs that have a Db2 for i source fail with the following error if the source schema and journal are in different libraries:
[DBMIP_23002] The process [CDC-CP1AZ PWX Reader] with the thread ID [31599] received an unexpected error from the PowerExchange Capture Service. Error: [IBMiMetadataManager getTableList(), Table Schema <schema_name> or Table System Schema <schema_name> does not match Journal Schema name <jrn_schema>].
(February 2025)
Database ingestion and replication incremental load or combined load jobs might hang during periods with no change activity of interest if a premature end-of-log (EOL) is detected and the journal receiver is in the SAVED or ONLINE state. The following message is issued:
[logCollector] LEVEL_1 trace - IBMiLogCollector newEndOfLogChecks(), EOL check, ending log sequence returned <sequence> is less than current EOL sequence <current_sequence>, will continue log read at log sequence returned.
(February 2025)
Database ingestion and replication incremental load or combined initial and incremental load jobs that have a Db2 for i source might fail when retrying a connection for a SQL GetLogMinMax request:
[CDCPUB_10066] TRACE: [IBMiLogCollector connectionRetryChecksAndWait(), Attempts <1> from caller Info error state <58004>>].
(November 2024)
Database ingestion and replication incremental load jobs that have a Db2 for i source with version of 7.3 or earlier might intermittently fail with the following error due to a code fix in the October release:
[CDCPUB_10066] TRACE: [IBMiClient System Version <V7R3M000> does not support IBM Internal Log Reads ]
(November 2024)
When you create a database ingestion and replication task that has a Db2 for i source in the new task configuration wizard, if you add a table selection rule that excludes all tables, the associated job still fetches the metadata for the excluded tables, which degrades job performance.
(November 2024)
When you create a database ingestion and replication task that has a Db2 for i source in the new task configuration wizard, if you add a table selection rule that excludes all tables, the associated job still fetches the metadata for the excluded tables, which degrades job performance.
(October 2024)
Database ingestion and replication incremental load or combined load jobs that have a Db2 for i source might fail with the following error if the log collector misses a record in a cached journal receiver while reading to EOL and then tries to find the record by reading backwards in the log:
[CDCPUB_10066] TRACE: [IBMiClient setErrorCondition() called. Error did not return a log record. Queue contains <0> rows after attempting to retry 11 times.>].
(February 2025)

Db2 for z/OS Database Ingestion

Fixed issues

The following table describes fixed issues:
If a database ingestion and replication job that has a Db2 for z/OS source tries to issue a request for source information such as the end of log when it’s not connected to Db2, the job fails. The job might become disconnected from Db2 during log collector slowdown processing, if enabled with the pwx.cdcreader.ZOS.LogCollectorSlowDown custom property.
(April 2025)
Database ingestion and replication incremental load or combined initial and incremental load jobs that have a Db2 for z/OS source might fail with a log parser error like the following one because of incorrect sequence token checking:
Caused by: com.infa.rat.pwxdbmi.pwxcdc.intf.CDCReaderException: zosLogParser run(), Error - zosLogParser processLogRecord(), Sequence number error for data sharing environment, 1536 Current Sequence VRS <002> HCSeq UOWSeq LogSeq <00DFB54159EB15B0A800> Last Sequence VRS <002> HCSeq UOWSeq LogSeq
You can Resume the job successfully.
(November 2024)
Database ingestion incremental load jobs that have a Db2 for z/OS source might fail with the following error during CDC reader processing, even after the jobs are stopped and then resumed:
[CDCPUB_10066] TRACE: [PwxCDCReaderRunHandler encountered error :Previous sequence <sequence1> is not less than current sequence <sequence2>.
(February 2025)
When you create a database ingestion and replication incremental load task that has a Db2 for z/OS source in the new task configuration wizard, if you add a table selection rule that excludes all tables, the associated job might fail with the a misleading message that reports DATA CAPTURE CHANGES is not enabled on the excluded tables.
(Februrary 2025)

Google BigQuery V2

Known issues

The following table describes known issues:
Database ingestion and replication initial load jobs that have an Oracle source and a Google BigQuery target might fail intermittently with the following error:
uploadLocalFile has been failed because of error: Remote host terminated the handshake.
Workaround: None.
(July 2024)

Google Cloud Storage V2

Known issues

The following table describes known issues:
If database ingestion and replication incremental load or combined initial and incremental load jobs replicate LOB source data to a Google Cloud Storage target and use the CSV format for the target output file, the LOB data appears as empty strings in the target file.
(November 2022)

Microsoft Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2

Known issues

The following table describes known issues:
If Database ingestion and replication incremental load or combined initial and incremental load jobs replicate LOB source data to a Microsoft Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 target and use the CSV format for the target output file, the LOB data appears as empty strings in the target file.
(November 2022)

Microsoft SQL Server

Fixed issues

The following table describes fixed issues:
After the November 2024 upgrade, database ingestion and replication incremental load jobs that have a SQL Server source and use the CDC Tables capture method might fail because of a memory leak in the pwxodbc library. In this case, Windows Event Viewer reports a low virtual memory condition.
(February 2025)
Database ingestion and replication incremental load and combined initial and incremental load jobs that have a SQL Server source and use the CDC Tables capture method apply duplicate rows to the target if multiple Update operations occur in a single commit on LOB columns in a source table that has no primary key.
(November 2024)
Database ingestion and replication combined initial and incremental load jobs that have a SQL Server source fail during incremental processing with the following error:
com.infa.rat.task.plugin.api.basic.TaskException: Helper <CDC_COMBINED InputEndpoint Helper> failed with exception: Helper.isDone get() threw PwxSessionException with StopSession() failed. Caused by: Failed to open a socket. Error:Connection refused: connect
The ODBC driver returns an error and connection retries fail with the socket error.
(October 2024)
Database ingestion and replication jobs that use a SQL Server source connection with Windows v2 authentication enabled might fail with a JDBC connection problem.
(October 2024)

MongoDB Mass Ingestion

Fixed issues

The following table describes fixed issues:
A database ingestion and replication job that has a MongoDB source might fail if a source collection contains a document that refers to another document from a different collection. In this case, the following error can occur:
Can't find a codec for class com.mongodb.DBRef
(October 2024)


Fixed issues

The following table describes fixed issues:
Database ingestion and replication initial load jobs that have a MySQL source fail if the source contains invalid date, datetime, time, or timestamp data that the reader or target writer cannot process. For example, the following data is invalid: “0000-00-00 00:00:00”, “02-31-2024 00:00:00”
(November 2024)
For database ingestion and replication jobs that have a MySQL source, two CDC records recorded at the same time but recorded in two different bin logs may cause the job to fail with the following error:
"Previous sequence is not less than current sequence"
(November 2024)

Oracle Database Ingestion

Fixed issues

The following table describes fixed issues:
Database ingestion and replication incremental load jobs that have an Oracle source with CLOB columns replicate some special characters to the target, instead of CLOB data, when the NLS_CHARACTERSET parameter is set to a specific code page such as WE8MSWIN1252.
February 2025
A database ingestion and replication incremental or combined initial and incremental load job that has an Oracle source might fail if you use table selection rules and the number of rules defined is greater than 100.
February 2025
Database ingestion and replications incremental load or combined load jobs that have an Oracle source might appear to be Up and Running even they’ve lost connectivity to the source while reading a redo log sequence. In this case, no data is written to the target. The jobs should issue an appropriate alert and fail.
November 2024
Database ingestion and replication incremental load or combined load jobs that have an Oracle source might fail intermittently with the following error if the source database uses Create Table As Select (CTAS) statements or direct-path loads with a dblink:
Unexpected PWX fatal error: PWX-36475 ORAD: PowerExchange encountered a redo log assembly error in a committed transaction.
The CTAS or direct load operations can cause a different pattern of redo logs to be produced.
(October 2024)

Known issues

The following table describes known issues:
If you configure an Oracle Database Ingestion connection to use both the Oracle JDBC Thin driver and SSL encription, when you try to test the connection, the test fails.
Workaround: Do not use the JDBC Thin driver with SSL encryption.
(April 2024)
If a database ingestion and replication job uses an Oracle Database Ingetion source connection that's configured to use the Oracle JDBC Thin driver, the job can replicate up to 39 digits from source columns that have a numeric data type to the target. If a source numeric value has 40 or more digits, the fortieth digit and all additional digits are replaced by zeroes (0) on the target.
Workaround: None.
(April 2024)
Database ingestion and replication initial load jobs that have an Oracle source and a Google BigQuery target might fail intermittently with the following error:
uploadLocalFile has been failed because of error: Remote host terminated the handshake.
Workaround: None.
(July 2024)
Database ingestion and replication jobs that use the Log-based CDC method and have an Oracle source with only LOB columns selected and no primary key do not create subtasks on the tables. As a result, the jobs cannot capture change data from the tables. Messages such as the following are written to the log:
[DBMIP_23026] The process [CDC-LOBS] with the thread ID [9708] encountered new table [lob_table_name]. The new table is excluded from processing.
[CDCPUB_10066] TRACE: [PwxCDCRequestProcessor.askSchema() returned: Don't capture.].
Workaround: In the task, select some non-LOB source columns, in addition to the LOB columns, for replication if you want to continue using the table without a primary key.
(July 2024)
The Oracle Database Ingestion connection properties page includes no property for entering JDBC connection properties, such as EncryptionLevel, when they're needed.
Workaround: In the Service Name field, you can add JDBC connection properties after the Oracle SID value, using a semicolon (;) as the separator.
(April 2023)
If you create custom data type mappings for Oracle source binary_double and binary_float columns in a database ingestion task, the custom mappings are ignored. Instead, the target table is generated using the default mappings of binary_double > float and binary_float > real. When the database ingestion and replication job runs, nulls are written to the target float and real columns.
Workaround: None.
(February 2023)
Oracle source columns with the TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE data type are supported only for initial load jobs.
(July 2022)


Fixed issues

The following table describes fixed issues:
Database ingestion and replication jobs that have a PostgreSQL source and use the source object as a view might list NUMERIC data type columns with precision and scale as unsupported.
(November 2024)
Database ingestion and replication incremental load and combined load jobs that have a PostgreSQL source might fail with the following error if some source columns have the MONEY data type and the target output uses the Avro format:
[CDCPUB_10066] TRACE: [<CDC-DBMICDC>. createInfaAvroRecordForIEvent() failed with unexpected exception while obtaining the Avro schema. Error: <Internal Logic Error - avroDecimalFromString() received a decimal value <-92233720368547758.08> but the scale provided <0> does not match the scale of the value!>].
(October 2024)

SAP HANA Database Ingestion

Known issues

The following table describes known issues:
Database ingestion and replication jobs that have an SAP HANA source table with a multiple-column primary key and that use a custom data-type mapping to map a source TIMESTAMP column to a Snowflake target VARCHAR column replicate data to the target incorrectly, which results in invalid data in the target column.
Workaround: None.
(November 2023)
Database ingestion and replication incremental load jobs that have an SAP HANA Cloud source with a DECIMAL column that has no precision fail with the following error message:
Error executing query job. Message: Query error: Value of type BIGNUMERIC cannot be assigned to column, which has type INT64 at [number]. Error code: 100032
Workaround: None.
(August 2023)
Database ingestion and replication jobs with a SAP HANA source might replicate data from REAL columns of 16 or more significant digits with a loss of precision on the target, causing data corruption.
Workaround: None.
(April 2023)

Snowflake Data Cloud

Fixed issues

The following table describes fixed issues:
For a database ingestion and replication combined load job that has a Snowflake target and uses the Superpipe option, the monitoring interface might report an Unload Count value under Object Detail that does not match the number of records read during the initial load phase, as reported in the unload log. This mismatch occurs if the transitionSchedulerType source custom property is set to CDC_WITH_BACKLOG, source partitioning is enabled, and the source tables contain over 2 billion records.
(February 2025)

SQL Server

Fixed issues

The following table describes fixed issues:
Database ingestion and replication jobs that have a SQL Server source with IMAGE columns that contain nulls and a SQL Server target might fail if you create a custom data-type mapping that maps the IMAGE data type to the VARBINARY data type. In the case, the following error issued:
[Informatica][SQLServer JDBC Driver][SQLServer]Explicit conversion from data type image to varchar is not allowed.. Error code: 529
(October 2024)
A database ingestion and replication incremental load job that has a SQL Server source and contains a table that is not capturing a complete column set, such as excluded LOB or computed columns, might result in corrupted data when performing an Update operation. The job might continue to run without failing.
(October 2024)
A database ingestion and replication incremental load or combined load job that has a SQL Server target might not roll back the target transaction if the transaction fails to commit a recovery checkpoint.
(October 2024)

Known issues

The following table describes known issues:
Database ingestion and replication initial load jobs that use the Informatica-supplied Progress DataDirect JDBC driver for SQL Server to connect to a SQL Server source fail.
Workaround: Download the Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server.
(September 2022)
Database ingestion and replication incremental load or combined initial and incremental load jobs that have a SQL Server source with binary, decimal, or datetimeoffset columns and an Oracle target fail if a DML update operation is followed by an insert.
Workaround: None.
(May 2022)