Asset Discovery > Search and browse assets > Export assets

Export assets

You can search for assets and export the results of a search to your local folder.
In Data Governance and Catalog, you can export search results of business and technical assets. The exported file format for asset types is similar to the bulk import template file for those asset types. While exporting assets, you can include the corresponding child assets, asset details, and relationships in the exported file.
You can use the exported file to share the list of available assets with your team and create awareness about the assets available in the organization. The exported file with updated recommendations and enrichments can be sent for review to Data Governance users or Data Scientists before re-importing it into the catalog.
After exporting the search results, you can perform any of the following activities:
For more information about bulk importing, see the Bulk Import Assets help.


Before you export the results of a search, verify the following prerequisites.
You can export assets from the catalog only if your organization administrator grants you the following privileges and permissions:
You can import assets into the catalog only if your organization administrator grants you the following privileges and permissions:
For more information about the privileges and permissions, see the Asset Management help.

Exporting assets from search results

You can search for assets and export the results of a search as a Microsoft Excel file in .xlsx or .xls file format.
To export assets from search results, perform the following steps:
    1Enter a search query in the search bar and apply necessary filters to fetch the required search results.
    2On the Search Results page, click Action > Export.
    The image depicts the Export option on the Search Results page.
    3On the Export Assets dialog box, enter a new file name or retain the system-generated file name.
    The image depicts the name of the export file.
    4Optionally, select the following options:
    The Export Assets dialog box displays the Include Relationships check box only if the search results contain business assets.
    If the search results are a combination of both business and technical assets, the exported file will contain only the relationships between business assets. If the search results contain only technical assets, the Export Assets dialog box doesn't display the Include Relationships check.
    5Click Start Export to export the results of your search.
    This triggers an export job that you can monitor on the Job Status panel. The panel displays the job summary, status, details, and download link to export results of a search file. The Job Summary section displays the list of asset types, number of sheets, and number of exported assets that are available in the downloaded Microsoft Excel file.
    6After the export job is complete, click Download Export File.
    The image depicts the Download Export File option on the Job Status panel.
    7Alternatively, you can also check the status of your export job on the Job Monitoring page.
    The image depicts the Job Monitoring page.
    8After the export job is complete, click Action > Download Export File next to the corresponding job on the Job Monitoring page to download the exported file. Click Action > Download Log if you want to download the logs file to know the job activities.
    Image depicting the action menu for a job. The menu displays two options that allow you to download the export file and to download the log file.
    Note: The predefined batch size of the exported file is 10,000. If the search results have more than 10,000 assets, the system compresses the export file as a .zip file. For example, if the search results have 90,000 assets, these assets are exported as a .zip file containing nine Microsoft Excel files, with each file containing 10,000 assets.
    9Alternatively, click the Notification icon on the Home page to monitor the job status. Click the URL to open the corresponding job page to know the job status.
    Once the export job is complete, you will receive notifications with a link to the corresponding job page in Data Governance and Catalog.
You can perform various operations on the exported file and bulk re-import the technical and business assets with your updates into Data Governance and Catalog. For more information, see the Bulk Import help.
Note: If the exported assets are in the In Review lifecycle status, you cannot update or delete the assets. You can only update assets that are in the Published and Draft lifecycle status.

Exporting assets from catalog source

You can export the assets that are within a catalog source.
To export assets from catalog source, perform the following steps:
    1Open a catalog source and click the Export all or specific assets icon at the top right corner.
    The image depicts the Export all or specific assets options.
    The Export All Assets and Export Specific Assets options appear.
    2To export all assets in the catalog source, select Export All Assets.
    The image depicts the Export Catalog Source dialog box.
    3If you select Export Specific Assets option, you'll see a dialog box with Select Assets and Export tabs.
    4Select at least one asset type or an asset, or both, and click Next.
    The image depicts the asset and asset type selection.
    5Enter a new file name or retain the system-generated file name.
    6Optionally, select the following filters:
    7Click Start Export to export all assets from the catalog source.
    This triggers an export job that you can monitor on the Job Status panel.
    This image depicts the Start Export option.
    8After the export job is complete, click Download Export File on the Job Status panel to download the exported file.
    The image depicts the Download Export File option.
    The Job Status panel displays the job summary, details, and download link to export assets from the catalog source. The Job Summary section displays the list of asset types, number of sheets, and number of exported assets that are available in the downloaded Microsoft Excel file.
    Note: The predefined batch size of the exported file is 10,000. If the results have more than 10,000 assets, the system compresses the export file as a .zip file. For example, if the search results have 90,000 assets, these assets are exported as a .zip file containing nine Microsoft Excel files, with each file containing 10,000 assets.
    9Alternatively, you can also check the status of your export job on the Job Monitoring page.
    The image depicts the Job Monitoring page.
    10After the export job is complete, click Action > Download Export File next to the corresponding job on the Job Monitoring page to download the exported file. Click Action > Download Log if you want to download the logs file to know the job activities.
    Image depicting the action menu for a job. The menu displays two options that allow you to download the export file and to download the log file.
    11You can also click the Notification icon on the Home page to monitor the job status. Click the URL to open the corresponding job page to know the job status.
    Once the export job is complete, you'll receive notifications with a link to the corresponding job page in Data Governance and Catalog.