Asset Discovery > Dashboards and widgets > Managing dashboards

Managing dashboards

You can view and manage all dashboards, the dashboards that you shared, and the dashboards that are shared with you based on the access policies configured for you by the organization administrator. If you have manage access control privilege, you can also transfer the ownership of a dashboard if the existing owner is inactive.
To view and manage dashboards, perform the following steps:
    1Go to Home page, and select Manage Dashboards from the action menu.
    The image depicts the Manage Dashboards option.
    2Edit, delete, or share a dashboard from the action menu.
    The image depicts the Edit, Delete, and Manage Sharing options.
    3To transfer ownership of a dashboard, select the action menu and click Assign Owner.
    The image depicts the Assign Owner option.
    4Select a new user and click Assign.
    The image depicts the Assign option.