Asset Discovery > Search and browse assets > Search for assets

Search for assets

With millions of business and technical assets in the catalog, it can be time-consuming to discover the data that you're looking for. You can search for assets by accessing the search bar on the top of any page in Data Governance and Catalog.
To view technical assets, ensure that the following prerequisites are met:

Select a search method

You can search for assets by entering a keyword or a query in the search box at the top of each page. You can also let the system select the search method appropriate for your input.
The following image shows the search bar in Data Governance and Catalog:
Keyword search
Select Keyword to search for assets using a keyword or phrase that might be used in the name, alias name, business name, description or ref ID of the asset. As you start typing inside the search bar, you can see search suggestions to start discovering your data. You can click one of the matching entries, search for all assets of a particular asset type as they appear as suggestions below the matching entries, or press Enter to view all results. The system displays the assets that are an exact match of the keyword or phrase that you entered. If your asset names or descriptions contain non-English language content, then you can enter search keywords or phrases in those languages.
The following image shows the results for the keyword soft:
Image depicting the results for the keyword 'soft'.
To find matches even when you misspell, interchange, or miss a keyword, select the Flexible option.
The following image shows the results for the keyword soft with the Flexible option selected:
Image depicting the results for the keyword 'soft' with the Flexible option selected.
Query search
Select Query to search for assets by progressively building a complex search query. A search query is a phrase or a combination of search terms that you can use to find assets in your catalog. Using a search query typically provides you with a more precise set of results. When you click inside the search box, you can see the recently searched queries followed by search query suggestions. As you start typing your search terms, the search box intelligently adjusts the search query suggestions. A search query returns a maximum of 10,000 assets at a time. For relationship queries, the system runs the query on a maximum of 2000 assets.
To learn how to use search queries, see Search query examples.
The following image shows the results of query used to search for all the process assets in the catalog:
Image depicting the results of query used to search for all the process assets in the catalog.
Adaptive search
Select Adaptive to let the system determine the appropriate search method between Keyword and Query based on your input. The search engine dynamically suggests the most relevant assets that appear at the top of the search suggestions. When you search using a keyword, the top search results return assets that contain the exact match for the asset name, alias name, business name, description, ref ID and technical description. Along with the exact matches, the search also returns assets that contain fuzzy match for the keyword.

Filter search results

If the search results don't include the assets you're looking for, you can use search filters. Filters such as asset type, asset lifecycle, created and updated date, and so on. help you narrow your search results and find the asset that you are looking for.
The Filters pane on the left displays the total number of matched asset types for the specified keyword. If you expand the asset type, you can see the number of matched assets for each type. If your search result has at least one asset type, the Filters pane dynamically displays additional filters. You can apply one or more filters on this pane to narrow your search results. These additional filters enable basic and advanced searches to provide the necessary search results. The value of additional filters vary depending on the asset and catalog source type of your search result. For example, if your search result contains 'Business Terms' as Asset Type, the Additional Filters section might display Critical Data Element and Joining Date as the additional filter options. Joining Date is a custom attribute for which you can select a date to narrow your search. Critical Data Element is a system attribute for which you can select the values. Depending on the values chosen for these dynamic filters, the search displays the intended results.
If the Data Marketplace Administrator has connected Data Marketplace to Data Governance and Catalog, the Filters pane displays the Data Marketplace filter. When you use the Data Marketplace filter, the page displays the assets that are added to one or more data collections in Data Marketplace, including the assets that are added to unpublished data collections. For more information about how a Data Marketplace Administrator connects Data Marketplace to Data Governance and Catalog, see the Set Up Data Marketplace help in Data Marketplace. For more information about data collections, see the Working With Data Collections help in Data Marketplace.
The following image shows the Filters pane and the additional filters:
The image shows Filters pane and additional filters.
The Catalog Sources filter allows you to retrieve search results based on the type of catalog source that you select. For example, if you select Oracle, only the Oracle catalog source type appears in the search result. The Catalog Sources Instances filter retrieves all the objects based on the name of the selected catalog source. For example, if you select the name of the catalog source instance as ORACLE_DataElement1, all the assets with the catalog source name as ORACLE_DataElement1 appear in the search result.

View search results

To change the layout of the Search Results page, click the Action menu on the top of the page, and select the Table layout. The Card layout is selected by default. Depending on the asset type, you can select to view various details of the asset.
The following image shows the export, layouts, and view you can select on the Search Results page:
Image depicting the export, layouts, and view you can select on the Search Results page.
To view the detail summary of the selected asset, select Details from the Action menu. This opens a preview pane which displays the Overview tab with basic details of the asset, and the Related Assets tab which displays the relationships of the asset.
From the search results page, click the name of an asset to open the asset in a new page and view complete details of the technical or business asset such as lineage information, relationships, and associated glossary, and classifications. The following image shows an example of the 'customers' data set details page:
Image depicting the 'customers' data set details page.

Ranking of search results

The results of your search term are typically ranked according to the following conditions:

Construction of search queries

A search query is a phrase or a combination of search terms that you can enter in the search box to find asset types, asset names, assets with comments, assets with ratings, and so on.
The following table lists some of the common search terms that you can use in your search query to find accurate search results:
Search Term
Search Term Examples
' ' or " "
Use quotes if you want to search for the exact form of a term. If you want to search for an entry that contains multiple words, a special character, or a whitespace character, enclose the words in single quotes or double quotes.
Metric 'Net Profit',
Use wildcard entry * to search for all the assets in the catalog that you can view or to enter partial terms so that you can find results for full terms.
business terms with 'phone num*'
catalog source Amazon*
( )
Use parentheses if you want to search for connected assets and if the search query contains a predicate for an asset type.
(column with name Customer) related to table shows all columns that have the name 'Customer' and are also related to a table.
Use commas to separate multiple search queries.
domain 'Party Data', subdomain Measures
You can use alternative names in the search box that provide the same results.
policies or policy
with reserved word
Use the with reserved word with an asset type to search for specific terms within an asset.
processes with description 'medical reimbursement'
which are reserved word
Use the which are reserved word to search for assets based on their attributes.
Business terms which are Critical Data Element
containing reserved word
Use the containing reserved word followed by an asset type to search for assets with a parent-child relationship.
domain containing business term

Synonyms used in search queries

Synonyms are alternative keywords you can enter in the search bar that provide the same results. For example, keywords like bt, business term, terms, term will fetch you results for the business term asset type. You can synonyms in the search bar to search asset types or search by asset attributes.

Asset type synonyms

The following table lists synonymous search keywords to search asset types:
Asset Type
Synonymous Search Terms
AI model
aimodels, aimodel, ai model, or ai models
Business term
business term, business terms, terms, bt, or term
Business term, domain, metric, or subdomain
glossary or glossaries
Data set
datasets, data sets, data set, or dataset
domains or domain
Manual data element
manual data element or manual data elements
metrics or metric
policies or policy
processes or process
Data quality rule occurrence
dq occurrence or dq rule
Data quality rule template
dq template or data quality template
subdomains, subdomain, or sub domains
systems or system
Azure data factory folder, Databricks folder, IICS folder, SSIS folder, folder, IICS v2 folder, or IPC folder
folders or folder
files or file
File system container
file systems, filesystems, or filesystem
Power BI cloud report, SSRS report, Tableau worksheet, Tableau dashboard, or BI report
reports, bi report, bi reports, or report
tables or table
views or view
columns or column
data classifications, classifications, or data classification
Data element
data elements or data element
Data element classification
data element classifications or data element classification
Data entity classification
data entity classifications or data entity classification
Technical data set
technical datasets, technical dataset, technical data set, or technical data sets
Data source
data sources or data source
All assets
objects, assets, all items, all objects, object, everything, or all assets
Business assets
business assets or business asset
Technical assets
technical assets or technical asset
source, catalog sources, resource, sources, or resources
Ratings of assets
ratings or rating
Comments of assets
comments or comment
Business intelligence report
Report, Reports, BI Report, or BI Reports

Attribute synonyms

The following table lists synonymous search keywords to search by asset attributes:
Synonymous Search Terms
Critical Data Element (CDE)
cde or CDE
filetype or filetypes
Created On
created or createdon
description or descriptions
External ID
ref id, external id, or refid
Modified By
updated by or updated
Modified On
modified or updated
Resource Name
resource name or resource names
Stakeholder Identity
stakeholders or stakeholder
Average Rating
rating or ratings
certified or certification
rated or rating
commented or comments or comment

Search query examples

In the search bar, you can progressively build complex search queries to search for business and technical assets. As you type your search query, the search provides intelligent suggestions.
Business assets search query examples
The following table lists some sample business asset search query that you can try in the search box:
Search query
What it does
all in domain HIPAA*
Shows all assets that are child assets or belong to Domain assets that start with the text HIPAA. The search returns results on the name, alias name, or business name fields of the asset.
all in 'domain Human Resources'
Shows all assets that are children or belong to Domain assets that start with the name Human Resources.
business term 'phone number'
Shows all Business Term assets with the text Phone Number. The search returns results on the name, alias name, or business name fields of the asset.
business term phone*
Shows all Business Term assets that start with text Phone. The search returns results on the name, alias name, or business name fields of the asset.
business terms which are critical data element
Shows all Business Term assets that are marked as Critical Data Element.
business terms in domain Finance*
Shows all Business Term assets that are children of Domain assets that start with the name Finance.
business terms in subdomain *Payroll
Shows all Business Term assets that are children of Subdomain assets that end with the text Payroll.
business terms where format type is Text
Shows all Business Term assets with Text in the Format Type field.
business terms without description
Shows all Business Term assets with the Description field empty.
business terms related to policy "CCPA Policy"
Shows all Business Term assets related to Policy assets with the name CCPA Policy.
business terms which are not critical data element
Shows all Business Term assets that are not marked as Critical Data Element.
business terms 'phone number', Metric 'EBITDA'
Shows all Business Term assets that have the name phone number and all Metric assets that have the name EBITDA. The search returns results on the name, alias name, or business name fields of the asset.
dataset Customers*
Shows all business Data Set assets that start with the text Customers. The search returns results on the name, alias name, or business name fields of the asset.
dataset containing manual data element 'Party Data'
Shows all data sets containing manual data elements with the text Party Data.
domain 'Party Data'
Shows all Domain assets with the text Party Data. The search returns results on the name, alias name, or business name fields of the asset.
domains 'Party Data*', subdomains 'Party Data*'
Shows all Domain assets that start with the text Party Data and Subdomain assets that start with the text Party Data. The search returns results on the name, alias name, or business name fields of the asset.
domains containing business term Email
Shows all Domain assets that have a parent-child relationship to Business Term assets with the name Email.
domains containing subdomain 'Party Data*'
Shows all Domain assets that have a parent-child relationship to Subdomain assets that start with Party Data.
domains containing metric EBITDA
Shows all Domain assets that have a parent-child relationship to Metric assets with the name EBITDA.
manual data element Customers*
Shows all manual data elements starting with the text Customers*.
manual data element matching 'Product Code'
Shows all manual data elements matching the name 'Product Code'.
manual data elements in dataset EMPLOYEE.
Shows all manual data elements that are in the data set EMPLOYEE.
metric EBITDA
Shows all Metric assets with the name EBITDA.
metric without description
Shows all Metric assets with the Description field empty.
policy GDPR*
Shows all Policy assets that start with the text GDPR. The search returns results on the name, alias name, or business name fields of the asset.
policies, processes
Shows all Policy and Process assets.
policies without description
Shows all Policy assets with the Description field empty.
policy P*, process P*
Shows all Policy assets that start with P and Process assets that start with P. The search returns results on the name, alias name, or business name fields of the asset.
policy *University*, domain *University*
Shows all Policy assets that contains the text University and Domain assets that contain the text University. The search returns results on the name, alias name, or business name fields of the assets.
processes without description
Shows all Process assets with the Description field empty.
process KYC
Shows all Process assets that contain the text KYC. The search returns results on the name, alias name, or business name fields of the asset.
process 'Know Your Client'
Shows all Process assets with the exact text Know Your Client in its name, alias name, or business name fields.
subdomain Payroll*
Shows all Subdomain assets that start with the text Payroll. The search returns results on the name, alias name, or business name fields of the asset. lias name, or business name fields of the asset.
subdomain 'Party Data'
Shows all Subdomain assets with the exact text Party Data in its name, alias name, or business name.
subdomain Payroll* and containing business term Salary*
Shows all Subdomain assets that start with Payroll that have a parent-child relationship to Business Term assets that start with Salary.
subdomain 'Party Data*' and related to policies
Shows all Subdomain assets that start with Party Data and are related to Policy assets.
subdomain without description
Shows all Subdomain assets with the Description field empty.
subdomain 'Party Data*', subdomains 'Party Data*'
Shows all Subdomain assets that start with Party Data and are related to Subdomain assets that start with Party Data.
subdomain containing business term Email
Shows all Subdomain assets that have a parent-child relationship to Business Term assets with the name Email.
subdomain containing metric EBITDA
Shows all Subdomain assets that have a parent-child relationship to Metric assets with the name EBITDA.
system DWH*
Shows all System assets that start with the text DWH. The search returns results on the name, alias name, or business name fields of the asset.
systems without description
Shows all System assets with the Description field empty.
domain with reference ID '<Reference ID value>'
Shows the domain that has the specified value in its reference ID field.
<Reference ID value>
Shows all assets with REL_BT_AUT_Parent_CSV_05 in the names, aliases, descriptions, and Reference ID.
business term 'phone_number*'
Shows all Business Term assets that start with the text phone_number. The search returns results on the name, alias name, or business name fields of the asset.
domain 'Party-Data*'
Shows all Domain assets that start with the text Party-Data. The search returns results on the name, alias name, or business name fields of the asset.
domains containing subdomain 'Party_Data*'
Shows all Domain assets that have a parent-child relationship to Subdomain assets that start with Party Data, Party_Data, and Party-Data.
business terms 'phone-number*', Metric 'EBITDA'
Shows all Business Term assets that start with the text phone-number, and all Metric assets with the name EBITDA. The search returns results on the name, alias name, or business name fields of the asset.
Technical asset search query examples
The following table lists some technical asset search query examples that you can try in the search box:
Search query
What it does
all in resource <catalog source name>
Shows all the assets of the catalog source. The result includes the data quality rule occurrences that have their primary data element belonging to the catalog source.
all with catalog source name Oracle*
Shows all assets that belong to catalog sources starting with the name Oracle*.
all with catalog source type 'Amazon S3'
Shows all assets that belong to the catalog source type 'Amazon S3'.
columns related to business term 'Phone Number'
Shows all columns that are related to Business Term assets named Phone Number.
columns related to data classification 'Social Security Number'
Shows all columns that are related to data classifications named Social Security Number.
columns related to data classification Email
Shows all columns that are related to data classifications with the name Email.
columns in (catalog source Oracle*) and related to (business term 'Phone Number')
Shows all columns that are present in the catalog sources starting with the name ORACLE and are related to the Business Term asset Phone Number.
(columns which are profiled and in catalog source Oracle*) related to data classification Email
Shows all columns that are profiled and in catalog sources that start with the name ORACLE and are related to data classification Email.
columns not related to business term
Shows all columns that are not related to Business Term assets.
data elements related to business term Email
Shows all data elements that are related to Business Term assets with the name Email.
data elements related to data classification 'Social Security Number'
Shows all data elements that are related to data classifications with the name Social Security Number.
data elements not related to data classification
Shows all data elements that are not related to any data classification.
data elements related to (data set related to system DWH) and related to Policy GDPR
Shows all data elements that fulfill both the following criteria:
  • - related to Data Set assets that are in turn related to System assets with the name DWH.
  • - related to Policy assets with the name GDPR.
Data Elements related to data set related to System related to Policy GDPR
Shows all data elements related to Data Set assets and are related to System assets and are related to Policy assets with the name GDPR.
Data Elements related to data set related to System related to Process KYC
Shows all data elements related to Data Set assets and are related to System assets and are related to Process assets with the name KYC.
Data Elements related to data set related to System related to (Policy GDPR, Process KYC)
Shows all data elements related to Data Set assets and are related to System assets and are related to Policy assets with the name GDPR and Process assets with the name KYC.
data elements not related to business term
Shows all data elements that are not related to Business Term assets.
data elements related to data classification 'Social_Security_Number*'
Shows all data elements that are related to data classifications with the name Social Security Number, Social_Security_Number, and Social-Security-Number.
glossaries with lifecycle Published and related to policy GDPR*
Shows all Glossary assets where the Lifecycle field is in the Published status and are related to Policy assets that start with GDPR.
glossaries with lifecycle Published and related to (policy GDPR*, policy CCPA*)
Shows all Glossary assets where the Lifecycle field is in the Published status and are related to Policy assets that start with GDPR and are related to Policy assets that start with CCPA.
glossaries related to all in policy GDPR
Shows all Glossary assets related to all Policy assets with the name GDPR.
glossaries related to policy GDPR
Shows all Glossary assets related to Policy assets with the name GDPR.
glossaries cust* and related to policy GDPR
Shows all Glossary assets that start with cust and are related to Policy assets with the name GDPR.
bi reports related to policy GDPR*
Shows all BI reports that are related to Policy assets that start with GDPR.
bi reports related to process KYC*
Shows all BI reports that are related to Process assets that start with KYC.
tables related to column City
Shows all tables that are related to columns with the name City.
data elements related to (business term Customer ID, Customer Name)
Shows all data elements related to Business Term assets with the names Customer ID and Customer Name.
catalog source ORACLE_HR
Shows catalog source assets with the name ORACLE_HR. The search returns results on the name, alias name, or business name fields of the asset.
catalog source ORACLE*
Shows catalog source assets that start with the text ORACLE. The search returns results on the name, alias name, or business name fields of the asset.
catalog sources with resource type Oracle
Shows all assets of the catalog source type ORACLE.
catalog sources with resource type 'Amazon S3'
Shows all assets of the catalog source type Amazon S3.
columns Credit*
Shows all columns that start with the text Credit. The search returns results on the name, alias name, or business name fields of the asset.
columns which are profiled
Shows all columns that are profiled.
columns which are not profiled
Shows all columns that are not profiled.
columns which are not related to data classification
Shows all columns that are not related to data classifications.
columns in catalog source Oracle*
Show all columns in the catalog source types that start with ORACLE.
flat field
Shows all the flat field assets contained in flat files.
data elements Credit*
Shows all data elements that start with the text Credit. The search returns results on the name, alias name, or business name fields of the asset.
data elements 'CREDIT_CARD'
Shows all data elements with the name, alias name, or business name as CREDIT_CARD.
data elements which are profiled
Shows all data elements that are profiled.
file Customer*
Shows all files that start with the name Customer. The search returns results on the name, alias name, or business name fields of the asset.
folder Customer*
Shows all folders that start with the name Customer. The search returns results on the name, alias name, or business name fields of the asset.
folder containing hierarchical file Customer*
Shows all folders that contain files that start with Customer.
folder containing file Customer*
Shows all folders that contain files that start with Customer.
Shows all Glossary assets.
glossaries cust*
Shows all Glossary assets that start with the text cust. The search returns results on the name, alias name, or business name fields of the asset.
glossaries with stakeholder @<username>
Shows all Glossary assets with a user name or user group in the Stakeholder field.
glossaries without stakeholder
Shows all Glossary assets with the Stakeholder field empty.
bi report 'Quarterly Sales'
Shows all BI reports with the name, alias name, or business name as Quarterly Sales.
bi reports with stakeholder @<username>
Shows all BI reports with a user name or user group in the Stakeholder field.
bi reports without stakeholder
Shows all BI reports with the Stakeholder field empty.
reports modified by @<username>
Shows all reports with a user name or user group in the Modified By field.
Tableau Workbook Org*
Shows all Tableau Workbook assets that start with the text Org. The search returns results on the name, alias name, or business name fields of the asset.
table CUST*
Shows all tables that start with the text CUST. The search returns results on the name, alias name, or business name fields of the asset.
tables which are profiled
Shows all columns that are profiled.
hierarchical file Employees*
Shows all hierarchical files that start with the text Employees. The search returns results on the name, alias name, or business name fields of the asset.
bi reports created by @<username>
Shows all BI reports with a user name or user group in the Created By field.
tables in catalog source Oracle*
Shows all tables in catalog source types that start with ORACLE.
tables in schema ORACLE_HR*
Shows all tables in schemas that start with ORACLE_HR.
technical dataset EMPLOYEE*
Shows all technical data set assets that start with the text Employee. The search returns results on the name, alias name, or business name fields of the asset.
technical datasets which are profiled
Shows all technical data set assets that are profiled.
technical datasets in catalog source Oracle*
Shows all technical data set assets in catalog source types that start with ORACLE.
technical datasets in schema ORACLE_HR*
Shows all technical data sets in schema source types that start with ORACLE_HR.
Shows all assets that have Property in their names, business names, alias names, descriptions, or technical descriptions.
Shows all assets that have Customer in their names, business names, alias names, descriptions, or technical descriptions.
Shows assets with the text Phone number, Phone_number, and Phone-number in their names, business names, alias names, descriptions, or technical descriptions.
Asset groups search query examples
The following table lists some asset group search query examples:
Search query
What it does
((Domain, Sub Domain) with asset group @assetgroup:Finance) related to any
Shows domains and subdomains that are assigned the Finance asset group and are related to any asset.
(technical assets with asset group @assetgroup:Finance) in catalog source Oracle
Shows technical assets that are assigned the Finance asset group and are in the catalog source Oracle.
(technical assets with Asset Group in (@assetgroup:Finance,@assetgroup:Legal)) in catalog source Oracle
Shows technical assets that are assigned the Finance and Legal asset groups and belong to the catalog source Oracle.
(column with asset group @assetgroup:Finance) in schema Oracle_HR*
Shows assets that are assigned the Finance asset group and belong to the schema source Oracle_HR*.
(technical data set with asset group in (@assetgroup:Finance)) related with curation status ACCEPTED to data classifications
Shows technical data sets that are assigned the Finance asset group and are related to data classifications that are in the accepted state.
(technical data set with asset group in (@assetgroup:Finance) ) related with curation status REJECTED to data classification Sales*
Shows technical data sets that are assigned the Finance asset group and are related to the Sales* data classifications that are in the rejected state.
all with asset group *
Shows all assests that are assigned asset groups.
all with Asset Group @assetgroup:Finance
Shows assets that are assigned the Finance asset group.
all without asset group
Shows all assets that are not assigned asset groups.
asset with Asset Group @assetgroup:Finance
Shows assets that are assigned the Finance asset group.
assets related to Policy with Asset Group @assetgroup:EU
Shows assets related to Policy assets that are assigned the EU asset group.
Assets related to sub domain with Asset Group @assetgroup:Legal
Shows assets related to subdomains that are assigned the Legal asset group.
Asset with asset group @assetgroup:Finance and stakeholder @<username>
Shows assets that are assigned the Finance asset group and the stakeholder <username>.
business terms with asset group @assetgroup:EU
Shows all business terms that are assigned the EU asset group.
Relationship search query examples
The following table lists some relationship search query examples that you can try in the search box:
Search query
What it does
all related to business term email
Shows all assets that are related to Business Term assets with the name email.
all related to domain HIPAA*, all related to process KYC
Shows all assets that are related to Domain assets that start with the name HIPAA or all assets that are related to Process assets that start with the name KYC.
all related to glossary GDPR*
Shows all assets related to Glossary assets that start with GDPR.
business terms related to data elements
Shows all Business Term assets that are related to data elements.
data element related to data set EMPLOYEE
Shows data elements that are related to the data set EMPLOYEE.
business terms not related to data elements
Shows all Business Term assets that are not related to data elements.
dataset related to business term 'Customer'
Shows all Data Set assets that are related to Business Term assets with the name Customer.
datasets not related to business term
Shows all Data Set assets that are not related to Business Term assets.
datasets related to System related to Policy GDPR
Shows all Data Set assets related to System assets that are related to Policy assets with the name GDPR.
datasets related to System related to Process KYC
Shows all Data Set assets related to System assets that are related to Process assets with the name KYC.
datasets related to System related to (Policy GDPR, Process KYC)
Shows all Data Set assets related to System assets that are related to Policy assets with the name GDPR and Process assets with the name KYC.
domains HIPAA* and related to subdomains
Shows all Domain assets that start with HIPAA and are related to Subdomain assets.
domains 'Party Data*' and related to policies
Shows all Domain assets with the name Party Data and are related to Policy assets.
domains HIPAA* and related to subdomains
Shows all Domain assets that start with HIPAA and are related to Subdomain assets.
domains 'Party Data*' and related to policies
Shows all Domain assets with the name Party Data and are related to Policy assets.
domains related to policy GDPR*
Shows all Domain assets that are related to Policy assets that start with GDPR.
domains related to policies in policy CCPA*
Shows all Domain assets related to Policy assets that start with CCPA.
domain related to any
Shows all Domain assets that are related to any asset.
manual data element related to data set EMPLOYEE
Shows all manual data elements that are related to the data set EMPLOYEE.
manual data element related to data set ADDRESS, data element related to data set ADDRESS
Shows all manual data elements and data elements that are related to the data set ADDRESS.
manual data element related to glossary
Shows all manual data elements that are related to glossary assets.
manual data element related to Policy GDPR
Shows all manual data elements that are related to Policy assets with the name GDPR.
manual data elements related to classifications and related to policy
Shows all manual data elements that are related to classifications and Policy assets.
manual data elements related to classification with name 'Social Security Number'
Shows all manual data elements that are related to classifications with the name Social Security Number.
Policy related to (System DWH) and related to (System CMD)
Shows all Policy assets related to System assets with the name DWH and are related to System assets with the name CMD.
processes related to Subdomain Payroll*
Shows all Process assets related to Subdomain assets that start with Payroll.
subdomain related to policy GDPR*
Shows all Subdomain assets related to Policy assets that start with GDPR.
subdomain related to policies in policy CCPA*
Shows all Subdomain assets related to Policy assets that start with CCPA.
subdomain related to any
Shows all Subdomain assets related to any asset.
systems related to policy GDPR*
Shows all System assets that are related to Policy assets that start with GDPR.
systems related to process KYC*
Shows all System assets that are related to Process assets that start with KYC.
Stakeholder or user name search query examples
The following table lists some stakeholder or user name search query examples that you can try in the search box:
Search query
What it does
business terms with stakeholder @CurrentUser
Shows all Business Term assets with your user name in the Stakeholder field.
business terms with stakeholder @<username>
Shows all Business Term assets with a user name in the Stakeholder field.
business terms without stakeholder
Shows all Business Term assets with the Stakeholder field empty.
business term created by @CurrentUser
Shows all Business Term assets created by you.
business term created by @<username>
Shows all Business Term assets created by the user.
business term modified by @CurrentUser
Shows all Business Term assets modified by you.
business term modified by @<username>
Shows all Business Term assets modified by the user.
datasets with stakeholder @CurrentUser
Shows all Data Set assets with your user name in the Stakeholder field.
datasets with stakeholder @<username>
Shows all Data Set assets with a user name in the Stakeholder field.
datasets created by @CurrentUser
Shows all Data Set assets created by you.
datasets created by @<username>
Shows all Data Set assets created by the user.
datasets modified by @CurrentUser
Shows all Data Set assets modified by you.
datasets modified by @<username>
Shows all Data Set assets modified by the user.
domains with stakeholder @CurrentUser
Shows all Domain assets with your user name in the Stakeholder field.
domains with stakeholder @<username>
Shows all Domain assets with a user name in the Stakeholder field.
domains without stakeholder
Shows all Domain assets with the Stakeholder field empty.
domains created by @CurrentUser
Shows all Domain assets created by you.
domains created by @<username>
Shows all Domain assets created by the user.
domains modified by @CurrentUser
Shows all Domain assets modified by you.
domains modified by @<username>
Shows all Domain assets modified by the user.
metric with stakeholder @CurrentUser
Shows all Metric assets with your user name in the Stakeholder field.
metric with stakeholder @<username>
Shows all Metric assets with a user name in the Stakeholder field.
metric without stakeholder
Shows all Metric assets with the Stakeholder field empty.
metric created by @CurrentUser
Shows all Metric assets created by you.
metric created by @<username>
Shows all Metric assets created by the user.
metric modified by @CurrentUser
Shows all Metric assets modified by you.
metric modified by @<username>
Shows all Metric assets modified by the user.
policies with stakeholder @CurrentUser
Shows all Policy assets with your user name in the Stakeholder field.
policies with stakeholder @<username>
Shows all Policy assets with a user name in the Stakeholder field.
policies without stakeholder
Shows all Policy assets with the Stakeholder field empty.
policies created by @CurrentUser
Shows all Policy assets created by you.
policies created by @<username>
Shows all Policy assets created by the user.
policies modified by @CurrentUser
Shows all Policy assets modified by you.
policies modified by @<username>
Shows all Policy assets modified by the user.
processes with stakeholder @CurrentUser
Shows all Process assets with your user name in the Stakeholder field.
processes with stakeholder @<username>
Shows all Process assets with a user name in the Stakeholder field.
processes without stakeholder
Shows all Process assets with the Stakeholder field empty.
processes created by @CurrentUser
Shows all Process assets created by you.
processes created by @<username>
Shows all Process assets created by the user.
processes modified by @CurrentUser
Shows all Process assets modified by you.
processes modified by @<username>
Shows all Process assets modified by the user.
subdomain with stakeholder @CurrentUser
Shows all Subdomain assets with your user name in the Stakeholder field.
subdomain with stakeholder @<username>
Shows all Subdomain assets with a user name in the Stakeholder field.
subdomain without stakeholder
Shows all Subdomain assets with the Stakeholder field empty.
subdomain created by @CurrentUser
Shows all Subdomain assets created by you.
subdomain created by @<username>
Shows all Subdomain assets created by the user.
subdomain modified by @CurrentUser
Shows all Subdomain assets modified by you.
subdomain modified by @<username>
Shows all Subdomain assets modified by the user.
systems with stakeholder @CurrentUser
Shows all System assets with your user name in the Stakeholder field.
systems with stakeholder @<username>
Shows all System assets with a user name in the Stakeholder field.
systems without stakeholder
Shows all System assets with the Stakeholder field empty.
systems created by @CurrentUser
Shows all System assets created by you.
systems created by @<username>
Shows all System assets created by the user.
systems modified by @CurrentUser
Shows all System assets modified by you.
systems modified by @<username>
Shows all System assets modified by the user.
Lifecycle search query examples
The following table lists some lifecycle search query examples that you can try in the search box:
Search query
What it does
all where lifecycle is not Published
Shows all assets where the Lifecycle field is not in the Published status.
all with lifecycle Draft
Shows all assets where the Lifecycle field is in the Draft status.
business terms with lifecycle Draft
Shows all Business Term assets where the Lifecycle field is in the Draft status.
domains with lifecycle Draft
Shows all Domain assets where the Lifecycle field is in Draft status.
metric with lifecycle draft
Shows all Metric assets where the Lifecycle field is in the Draft status.
policies with lifecycle Draft
Shows all Policy assets where the Lifecycle field is in the Draft status.
subdomain with lifecycle Draft
Shows all Subdomain assets where the Lifecycle field is in the Draft status.
systems with lifecycle Draft
Shows all System assets where the Lifecycle field is in the Draft status.
Assets with Lifecycle (Draft, 'In Review')
Shows all assets where the Lifecycle field is in Draft or In Review status.
all with lifecycle 'Obsolete'
Shows all assets where the Lifecycle field is in Obsolete status.
business terms with lifecycle 'Obsolete'
Shows all Business Term assets where the Lifecycle field is in Obsolete status.
Collaboration search query examples
The following table lists some collaboration search query examples that you can try in the search box:
Search query
What it does
all with rating between 1 and 5
Shows all assets with rating between 1 and 5 stars.
all rated by @<username>
Shows all assets with a user name or user group in the Updated By field.
all rated within last 3 days
Shows all assets rated within last 3 days.
all commented by @username
Shows all assets with comments with a user name or user group in the Updated By field.
all commented within last 2 days
Shows all assets with comments within last 2 days.
all certified by @username
Shows all certified assets with a user name or user group in the Updated By field.
all certified within last 10 days
Shows all certified assets within the last 10 days.
technical datasets which are not certified
Shows all technical Data Set assets that are not certified.
all having ratings
Shows all assets with ratings.
all having comments
Shows all assets with comments.
all not having ratings
Shows all assets without ratings.
all not having comments
Shows all assets without comments.
all which are certified
Shows all technical Data Set assets that are certified.
tables which are certified
Shows all tables that are certified.
files which are certified
Shows all files that are certified.
business assets with rating between 1 and 5
Shows all assets with rating between 1 and 5 stars.
Business terms with rating less than 3
Shows all Business Term assets with rating less than 3 stars.
manual data elements having comments and commented by @<username>
Shows all manual data elements with comments and commented by a specific user.
Policies with rating equals 5
Shows all Policy assets with 5 star rating.
Processes with rating greater than 3
Shows all Process assets with 3 stars and above rating.
Business terms commented within last 2 days and with stakeholder @username
Shows all Business Term assets with comments within last 2 days and with a user name or user group in the Updated By field.
Business terms with rating less than 3 and with stakeholder @username
Shows all Business Term assets with rating less than 3 stars and with a user name or user group in the Updated By field.
Classifications search query examples
The following table lists some search query examples that you can use for searching classifications:
Search query
What it does
classification with sensitivity in (High, Medium)
Shows all data classifications that are marked with High and Medium sensitivity.
data elements related with curation status ACCEPTED to classification with sensitivity Medium
Shows all data elements for which the associated data classifications are in the accepted state and are marked with High sensitivity.
data elements related to classifications and related to policy
Shows all data elements that have associated classifications that are related to a policy.
generated classifications
Shows all automatically generated classifications in your organization.
generated classifications which are not promoted
Shows all automatically generated classifications that have not been promoted to data element classifications.
generated classifications which are promoted
Shows all automatically generated classifications that have been promoted to data element classifications.
classifications with sensitivity high
Shows all data classifications that are marked with High sensitivity.
classifications with sensitivity medium
Shows all data classifications that are marked with Medium sensitivity.
classifications with sensitivity low
Shows all data classifications that are marked with '-' for Low sensitivity.
assets related to classifications with sensitivity high
Shows all assets that are associated with classifications that are marked with High sensitivity.
Custom attributes search query examples
The following table lists some search query examples that you can use for searching custom attributes:
Search query
What it does
all with 'Geo location' USA
Shows all assets for which the custom attributes 'Geo location' value is USA.
assets with <text custom attribute> 'Hyderabad'
Shows all assets that have a text data type custom attributes and the value of the custom attributes is Hyderabad.
assets with <numeric custom attribute> greater than 80
Shows all assets that have a numeric data type custom attributes and the value of the custom attributes is greater than 80.
assets with <numeric custom attribute> less than 20
Shows all assets that have a numeric data type custom attributes and the value of the custom attributes is less than 20.
assets with <numeric custom attribute> equals 30
Shows all assets that have a numeric data type custom attributes and the value of the custom attributes is 30.
assets with <numeric custom attribute> between 50 and 60
Shows all assets that have a numeric data type custom attributes and the value of the custom attributes is in the range of 50 to 60.
assets <date type custom attribute> within last 7 hours
Shows all assets that have a date type custom attributes and the value of the custom attributes is within the last seven hours.
assets <date type custom time attribute> within last 4 days
Shows all assets that have a date type custom attributes and the value of the custom attributes is within the last four days.
assets which are <boolean type custom attribute>
Shows all assets that have a check box type custom attributes.
assets which are not <boolean type custom attribute>
Shows all assets that do not have a check box type custom attributes.
Data quality rule occurrences search query examples
The following table lists some data quality rule occurrences search query examples:
Search query
What it does
dq rule with threshold result in (good, acceptable, 'not acceptable') and related to data element related to dataset '<DATASET_NAME>'
Shows all data quality rule occurrences with the data quality score status as Good, Acceptable, and Not Acceptable and are related to the data elements in the specified data set.
dq rule with threshold result 'Good' and related to data element related to dataset '<DATASET_NAME>'
Shows all data quality rule occurrences with the data quality score status as Good and are related to data elements belonging to the specified data set.
dq rule with threshold result in (good, acceptable, 'not acceptable') and related to data element related to dataset related to system with name <DQ_ORCL_SYSTEM>
Shows all data quality rule occurrences with the data quality score status as Good, Acceptable, and Not Acceptable and are related to the data set belonging to a system with a specified system name.
dq rule with threshold result 'Good' and related to data element related to dataset related to system '<SYSTEM_NAME>'
Shows all data quality rule occurrences with the data quality score status as Good and are related to the data set belonging to a system with a specified system name.
dq rule with threshold result in (good, acceptable, 'not acceptable') and with stakeholder 'test_data_owner'
Shows all data quality rule occurrences with the data quality score status as Good, Acceptable, and Not Acceptable and with the assigned stakeholder that is specified.
dq rule with threshold result 'Good' and with stakeholder @{{DO}} role @role:test_data_owner
Shows all data quality rule occurrences with the data quality score as Good and with the specified stakeholder belonging to the specified role.
dq rule with threshold result in (good, acceptable, 'not acceptable') and without stakeholder
Shows all data quality rule occurrences with the data quality score status as Good, Acceptable, and Not Acceptable and are without any assigned stakeholder.
dq rule with threshold result in (good, acceptable, 'not acceptable') and with stakeholder 'test_data_owner' and related to data element related to dataset with name <DATASET_NAME>
Shows all data quality rule occurrences with the data quality score status as Good, Acceptable, and Not Acceptable and with the assigned stakeholder that is specified. These data quality rule occurrences are related to data elements belonging to the specified data set.
dq rule related to data element related to technical dataset employees
Shows all data quality rule occurrences that are related to a specified technical data set.
dq rule with threshold result in (good, acceptable, 'not acceptable') and related to data element related to business term which are cde
Shows all data quality rule occurrences with the data quality score status as Good, Acceptable, and Not Acceptable and are related to data elements belonging to specific business terms associated with critical data element attributes.
dq rule with threshold result in (good, acceptable, 'not acceptable') and related to data element related to datasets related to System related to Policy '<POLICY_NAME>'
Shows all data quality rule occurrences with the data quality score status as Good, Acceptable, and Not Acceptable and are related to the data set belonging to a system with a specified policy name.
dq rule with threshold result in (good, acceptable, 'not acceptable') and related to data element related to datasets related to System related to Policy
Shows all data quality rule occurrences with the data quality score status as Good, Acceptable, and Not Acceptable and are related to the data set belonging to a system with any policy name.
dq rule with threshold result in (good, acceptable, 'not acceptable') and related to data element related to datasets related to System related to Process
Shows all data quality rule occurrences with the data quality score status as Good, Acceptable, and Not Acceptable and are related to the data set belonging to a system with a process.
dq rule related to data element related to datasets related to System related to Process 'DQ_PAM_AZRSQL_PROP_PROCESS_001_10'
Shows all data quality rule occurrences with or without data quality score status and are related to the data set belonging to a system with a specified process.
dq rule related to data element related to datasets related to System related to Process ('<PROCESS_NAME>' , '<PROCESS_NAME_01>')
Shows all data quality rule occurrences with or without data quality score status and are related to the data set belonging to a system with two specified processes.
dq rule related to data element related to dataset related to system with stakeholder 'test_data_owner'
Shows all data quality rule occurrences with or without data quality score status and are related to a data set belonging to a system with the assigned stakeholder that is specified.
Glossary assets associations with data classifications search query examples
The following table lists some search query examples for the associations of the glossary assets with the data element and data entity classifications:
Search query
What it does
data classifications related to glossary
Shows all the data classifications that are related to the glossary assets.
data classifications related to glossary 'Country'
Shows all data classifications that are related to the glossary asset named Country.
data elements related to glossary 'Sales' and data element classification 'Email Address'
Shows all the data elements that are related to the glossary assets with the name Sales and the data element classifications with the name Email Address.
technical datasets related to glossary 'Sales' and data entity classification 'PCI'
Shows the technical data sets that are related to the glossary assets with the name Sales and data entity classifications with the name PCI.
data elements related to glossary 'Customer email' and data element classification 'Email Address'
Shows all the data elements that are related to the glossary assets with the name Customer email and data element classifications with the name Email Address.
glossary related to data elements
Shows all the glossary assets that are related to the data elements.
glossary related to data classification
Shows all the glossary assets that are related to the data classifications.
glossary related to data classifications ‘Email Address’
Shows all the glossary assets that are related to the data classification named Email Address.
glossary not related to any data classifications
Shows all the glossary assets that are not related to any data classifications.

Reserved words

Reserved words are words that are reserved for specific functions in Data Governance and Catalog.
The reserved words include the following words:
Note: If you want to use a reserved word in a query filter, enter the reserved word string in quotes.