Asset Discovery > Audit history of assets > Viewing audit history of assets

Viewing audit history of assets

Use the History tab to observe and track changes that you make for business and technical assets.
    1Open an asset, select the History tab, and view the following properties:
    Displays the created and last updated dates of the asset.
    Event Type
    Displays the type of the event that is performed on the asset:
    • - Asset. Displays changes in the name, description, certification, or the reference ID of the asset.
    • - Relationship. Displays additions, deletions, and the updates of the relationships between the assets.
    • - Stakeholder. Displays additions and deletions of stakeholders to the asset.
    Displays the following actions that are performed on the asset:
    • - Create. Displayed if the asset is created.
    • - Updated. Displayed if the asset is updated.
    • - Deleted. Displayed if the asset is deleted.
    Current Attributes
    Displays the recently changed attributes of the asset.
    Previous Attributes
    Displays the earlier attributes of the asset.
    Changed By
    Displays the user who has performed any action on the asset.
    Asset Name
    Displays the name of the asset.
    Asset Path
    Displays the origin path of the asset.
    Asset Type
    Displays the type of the asset.
    From Asset Type
    Displays the source asset type for which the change is applicable. This is applicable when the event type is Relationship.
    To Asset Type
    Displays the target asset type for which the change is applicable. This is applicable when the event type is Relationship.
    The image depicts the History tab properties.
    2To narrow the information you see in the History tab, click the Filter icon and add filters based on the various properties.
    The image depicts the Add Filter option in the History tab.
    3Apply the Event Type filter to view the event history of the asset when you change the name, description, or the reference ID of the asset:
    The image depicts the audit history after the application of the Event Type filter.
    4Apply the Event Type filter to view the history of the asset when the stakeholder is updated:
    The image depicts the audit history when stakeholder is updated with the Event Type filter.
    5Click View history before April 01, 2023 or View history after April 01, 2023 to view the history of the assets before or after April 01, 2023, respectively. The history of the assets before April 01, 2023 displays fewer column headers compared to the history of the assets after April 01, 2023.
    The image depicts the history of the assets based on the selected date range.
    6From the Settings icon on the History tab, select the layout changes to display for the page.
    Apply the default columns or choose columns based on your requirement.
    Save Layout
    Save your preferences for the grid layout.
    Reset Layout
    Reset your grid layout preference to its default settings. You can select one of the following reset options:
    • - Reset to Default. Layout resets to the default system settings.
    • - Reset to Last Saved Layout. Layout resets to the previously saved user-preference layout settings.
    Grid Settings
    Select the columns that you want to display, reorder the selected columns, sort the order of columns, determine the grid density, and specify number of rows per page.
    The image depicts the layout changes to display.

View hierarchy of assets

Use the History tab to view the hierarchy of a particular asset.
When you open an asset and go to the History tab, in the View option, select an option from the drop-down list to view the following hierarchy of assets:
Exclude Hierarchy
Select to display the audit history of only the asset that is open. The audit history of the child assets are not displayed. This is the default view.
Include All Children
Select to display the audit history of the asset and all its associated child assets.
Immediate Children Only
Select to display the audit history of the immediate child assets of the asset.
When you select the Include All Children or Immediate Children Only option, you can view only the partial history of a child asset when you make any change to the child asset.
The following image shows the options to view the hierarchy of assets:
Image depicting the options to view hierarchy of asset
The following image shows the audit history of a parent asset when you select the Exclude Hierarchy option:
Image depicting audit history of an asset after selecting the Exclude Hierarchy option
The following image shows the audit history of a parent asset and all of its associated child assets after you select the Include All Children option:
Image depicting the audit history of parent asset and its associated child assets
The following image shows the audit history of a parent asset and its immediate child asset only after you select the Immediate Children Only option:
Image depicting the audit history of a parent asset and its immediate child asset only