Asset Discovery > Dashboards and widgets > Working with dashboards

Working with dashboards

After you've created a dashboard, you can modify the dashboard, set the dashboard as default, delete a dashboard, and view other dashboards that you have created. You can also change the order of the dashboards as they appear on the home page.
To modify a dashboard or to select the dashboard as default, click the action menu on the dashboard, and select Edit Dashboard.
The following image shows a sample dashboard with the action menu. Image depicting the Action menu on the dashboard.
In the Edit Dashboard dialog box, you can modify the name and description of the dashboard. To make a dashboard the default view when you visit the Data Governance and Catalog home page, you can select the Set as Default check box, and click Update.
If a dashboard is not longer useful, you can delete the dashboard by clicking Delete Dashboard from the action menu.
To switch to another dashboard, click the drop-down list next to the dashboard name and select a dashboard from the list. If there are more than five dashboards in your organization, you can use the Find option to enter the dashboard name to find a dashboard.
The following image shows the list of available dashboards on the home page. Image depicting the list of dashboards on the home page.