A Data Set asset represents identifiable groupings of data for a particular purpose. Data Sets are business-friendly representations of technical assets such as tables, files, and more. A Data Set asset focuses less on the technical aspects of how the data is delivered and more on the information provided by the data set.
For example, if you have a table that contains the cust_name and customer columns, you can associate both the columns to a single data set called "Customer Name" to provide business context.
You can rate a data set asset to indicate your assessment of the quality of the asset, or add your comments to the asset to provide your inputs on the data present within the asset. This enables different users to collaborate on assets and make collective decisions on using the data. For more information on collaborating on an asset, see the Working with Assets help.
You can view the number of open tickets and overdue tickets. Open tickets indicate the tickets pending in progress to track changes to the data set. Overdue tickets indicate the tickets beyond due date that require your action. You can also view the lifecycle of the data set asset to know the particular stage of the lifecycle in the asset workflow.
Overview tab
On the Overview page, you can view basic information about the data set.
The following table describes the properties of the Overview page:
The parent system to which the data set belongs.
Description of the data set. The size of the field should not exceed 1 MB.
Reference ID
Unique identifier for the data set.
Data Elements
List of data elements that are added to this data set.
Users responsible for the data set or interested in the data set.
Asset Groups
One or more asset groups assigned to this asset. Asset groups allow users access to a set of assets in the organization.
You can assign asset groups to an asset if your organization administrator has granted you the Manage Access permission on the asset through access policies in Metadata Command Center.
Data Quality
Data quality scores for the data set that is generated from a data quality tool.
Data Marketplace
Details of an asset's presence in Data Marketplace.
If an asset is added to a data collection in Data Marketplace, you can view the details of the data collection.
For more information about how you can connect Data Governance and Catalog to Data Marketplace, see the Set Up Data Marketplace help in Data Marketplace. For more information about how you can add an asset to a data collection, see the Working With Data Collections help in Data Marketplace.
Associated Technical Data Sets
List of data elements, such as tables and columns, associated with this data set.
You can associate data elements to a data set either while creating a data set or after you have created the data set. You can associate only those data elements that belong to the catalog source associated with the parent system that you have selected.
Created By
User that created the data set and the date on which it was created.
Updated By
User that last updated the data set and the date on which it was updated.
If the organization administrator has configured custom fields for the data set asset type, you can see the fields on the Overview page of the asset.
Contains tab
View the data elements that constitute the data set.
The following table describes the properties of the Contains page:
Name of the constituent data element.
Business Name
Business name of the data element.
Type of the constituent data element.
Glossary assets that are associated with the constituent data element.
Data classifications associated with the constituent data elements and technical data sets.
For information about configuring data classification, see Administration in the Metadata Command Center help.
Note: To see this information, the organization administrator must grant the View Data Classifications feature privilege to your user role in Informatica Intelligent Cloud ServicesAdministrator. For more information about roles and users, see the Introduction and Getting Started help module.
Profiling statistics
Profiled statistics of the constituent data element. The table displays one of the following statistics:
- Null percentage
- Distinct percentage
- Non-distinct percentage
Note: To see this information, the organization administrator must grant the View Profiled Stats feature privilege to your user role in Informatica Intelligent Cloud ServicesAdministrator. For more information about roles and users, see the Introduction and Getting Started help module.
Source Data Type
Data type of the constituent data element.
Inferred Data Type
Inferred data type of the constituent data element.
Description of the constituent data element as it appears in the source system.
Hierarchy or the path of the data element.
On this page, you can search for a specific data element, click the Add icon to add a new data element to the data set, or click the Delete icon to remove a specific data element from the data set. You can also use filters to narrow the list of data elements.
Lineage tab
View the data lineage of the data set. A lineage graphically displays the inflow of data from other systems into the asset and the outflow of data from the asset to other systems.
For more information about lineage, see Data Lineage in the Working With Assets help.
Relationships tab
On this page, you can switch between grid view or graph view to view all the relationships that the data set has with other assets. Create relationships with other assets if they can be used together to make business or governance decisions.
The following table describes the fields that appear when you switch to the grid view on the Relationships page:
Name of the related asset.
Type of the related asset.
How It Is Related
Relationship between the related assets and the data set asset that you have opened.
Displays the name of the corresponding related assets. Hover the mouse over the arrows of different colors to see if the relationship is direct, indirect, inbound, or outbound.
Hierarchical path of the asset.
Note: This column is hidden by default. To display the column, right-click on the column header and select Hierarchy.
You can perform the following activities on the Relationships page:
•Click the Filters icon on the top of the page to apply filters to narrow the list of relationships. You can apply filters such as asset type to view related assets of a specific type, direction to view related assets of a particular origin, lifecycle to view assets in a particular stage of the lifecycle, relationship type to view assets that are directly or indirectly connected to the data set, or relationship label.
The direction of the asset can be inbound or outbound. The relationship created from the data set to the related asset is called an outbound relationship. The relationship created from the related asset to the data set is called an inbound relationship.
•Search for a related asset using the Search box.
•Click the Add icon to add a new related asset, or the Delete icon to delete an existing related asset.
Note: You can delete only outbound direct related assets. To view the child assets of the data set, go to the Contains page.
Relationship example
The following image shows a sample asset and the different types of relationships with other assets:
In the image, the business term 'Delivery Cost' is the open asset. The Relationships tab shows the grid view of all the assets related to 'Delivery Cost'.
1The highlighted policy asset 'Gov Policy 01' is related to the open asset through an inbound relationship, which is indicated by the orange arrow pointing to the left direction. This indicates that the relationship between the business term 'Delivery Cost' and the policy 'Gov Policy 01' originated in the policy asset 'Gov Policy 01'. The relationship type 'is Regulating' indicates that the policy asset is regulating the business term.
2The highlighted system asset 'Customer Call Analysis Reports' is related to the open asset through an outbound relationship, which is indicated by the blue arrow pointing to the right direction. This indicates that the relationship between the business term 'Delivery Cost' and the system 'Customer Call Analysis Reports' originated in the business term 'Delivery Cost'. The relationship type 'is a Strategic Source for' indicates that the business term is the preferred or recommended source of data for the system asset.
Data Quality tab
View individual data quality scores of the technical assets that are linked to the data set.
The Dimensions Latest Scores section shows the data quality score of the data set for each data quality dimension. The Rules Against Target section shows the data quality score of the data set against the defined target, which is the minimum acceptable data quality value for the asset to be considered "Good".
The Rule Occurrences panel lists all instances of data quality rules that are associated with the asset. The following table describes the properties of the Rule Occurrences panel:
Name of the rule occurrence.
If the rule occurrence is created from an automated rule template, the term Auto- is prefixed to the name of the rule occurrence.
Data quality dimension for which the data quality rule is run.
Latest Score
Data quality score from the latest rule run.
Date of the latest rule run.
Total Rows
Total number of rows on which the data quality rule is run.
Failed Rows
Number of failed rows as determined by the data quality rule run.
Primary Data Element
Data element on which the data quality rule is run.
This data element is the input port for the rule in the integrated data quality system. The data quality score is always generated for the primary data element.
Secondary Data Element
Secondary input port for the data quality rule that is run on the Primary Data Element.
Description of the rule occurrence.
Related Rule Template
Data quality rule template that defines the rule that is run on the data element.
On this page, you can search for a specific rule occurrence by using the Search box.
Stakeholders tab
View users that have been designated as stakeholders for the data set. Stakeholders are authorized users who are responsible for the data set, and can approve or reject change requests for the data set. If your role has permissions, you can add or remove stakeholders on this page.
The following table describes the properties of the Stakeholders page:
Name of the user or user group.
Role of the user or user group in the organization.
Email address of the user.
Note: This property does not appear for user groups.
User Origin
The origin of the users. For example, when a user logs in using SSO, the value for this field is displayed as SAML.
Tickets tab
View change request tickets that users have created for the data set.
The following table describes the properties of the Tickets page:
Name of the ticket.
Description of the ticket.
Type of ticket.
Status of the change ticket.
Current Task Owner
The stakeholders who are assigned to the tasks in the ticket.
You can filter the list of tickets by selecting available filter options.
History tab
View changes that users have made to the data set. The History tab provides an audit log that you can use for compliance requirements.
The following table describes the properties of the History tab:
Displays the created and last updated dates of the asset.
Event Type
Displays the type of the event that is performed on the asset:
- Asset. Displays changes in the name, description, certification, or the reference ID of the asset.
- Relationship. Displays additions, deletions, and the updates of the relationships between the assets.
- Stakeholder. Displays additions and deletions of stakeholders to the asset.
Displays the following actions that are performed on the asset:
- Create. Displayed if the asset is created.
- Updated. Displayed if the asset is updated.
- Deleted. Displayed if the asset is deleted.
Current Attributes
Displays the recently changed attributes of the asset.
Previous Attributes
Displays the earlier attributes of the asset.
Changed By
Displays the user who has performed any action on the asset.
Asset Name
Displays the name of the asset.
Asset Path
Displays the origin path of the asset.
Asset Type
Displays the type of the asset.
From Asset Type
Displays the source asset type for which the change is applicable. This is applicable when the event type is Relationship.
To Asset Type
Displays the target asset type for which the change is applicable. This is applicable when the event type is Relationship.