Asset Details > Understanding technical assets > View technical assets

View technical assets

You can view technical asset pages for data elements, technical data sets, data containers, and catalog sources. Each technical asset page contains many tabs that serve different purposes.
The assets that you can view in Data Governance and Catalog depend on the permissions that your organization administrator assigns to you through access policies in Metadata Command Center. For information about how administrators manage access to assets, see the Introduction and Getting Started help.
Note: When you delete or purge a catalog source in Metadata Command Center, or when you delete data from a source, the following conditions apply:
The following image shows the technical asset page for a sample table in an Oracle catalog source:
Image depicting the Overview tab of a technical asset page.
The header of the technical asset page displays the following properties of the technical asset:
The top of the page displays the hierarchical path of the technical asset.
Name of the technical asset. The name can be one of the following types:
  • - Technical name of the asset that Metadata Command Center extracts from the source system.
  • For more information about configuring a catalog source to extract metadata from source systems, see the Catalog Source Configuration help module in Metadata Command Center.
  • - Readable business name that a user has manually associated with the technical asset or is automatically assigned to the technical asset.
  • For more information about curating glossaries for technical assets, seeCurate glossaries for technical assets.
Overall Rating
Rate a technical asset to indicate your assessment of the quality of the asset. As a stakeholder, you can endorse a technical asset as trusted and reliable by certifying the asset and also decertify the technical asset if it is longer trusted and valid.
You can add your comments to the asset and collaborate with other users to make collective decisions on using the data. For more information on collaborating on an asset, see Collaboration in the Working with Assets help.
Stage of the asset in the production lifecycle.
If the administrator has configured a workflow for creating or updating assets, the Lifecycle value displays the current stage of the asset in the workflow.
Last Updated
Date on which the asset was last updated.

Overview tab

The information that you see on the Overview tab differs for each technical asset type. Depending on the type of technical asset that you're viewing, the following table describes the fields that appear on the Overview tab:
This field appears only for technical data sets and data elements.
Description of the technical asset. The size of the field should not exceed 1 MB. The description can be one of the following types:
  • - Description that is assigned to a technical asset either by its association with an existing glossary business term or by typing a new description. For more information about assigning a business name and description to a technical asset, see the Working With Assets help module.
  • - Description of an associated Glossary asset that is automatically assigned.
  • For more information about configuring automatic association of technical assets with Glossary assets, see the Working With Assets help module.
Technical Description
Technical description of the asset that Metadata Command Center extracts from the source system.
This field appears only for technical data sets and data elements.
For more information about configuring a catalog source to extract metadata from source systems, see the Catalog Source Configuration help module in Metadata Command Center.
Accept or decline glossaries that the CLAIRE engine recommends, or associate a glossary asset manually.
You can hover over a glossary to view the confidence score based on which the glossary asset was recommended, accepted or rejected.
Note: If a glossary asset was manually associated with the technical asset, the system won't display a confidence score when you hover over the glossary.
This field appears only for technical data sets and data elements.
Data Element Classifications
Accept or decline data element classifications that the data classification rule detects, or associate a data element classification manually. For more information, see Curate data classifications for technical assets.
This field appears only for technical data elements only if the Data Classification capability is enabled and configured in Metadata Command Center for the catalog source.
Data Entity Classifications
Accept or decline data entity classifications that the data entity rule detects, or associate a data entity classification manually. For more information, see Curate data classifications for technical assets.
This field appears only for technical data sets only if the Data Classification capability is enabled and configured in Metadata Command Center for the catalog source.
System Attributes
The system properties of the technical asset.
Custom Attributes
The user configured custom attributes of the technical asset.
To view all the existing custom attributes, click View All to open the Custom Attributes sub-tab on the Attributes tab. You can also modify values of the custom attributes from the Overview tab or the Attributes tab.
Profiling statistics
To know more about the types of profiling statistics that you can view, see Data profiling statistics.
This field appears for technical data elements only if the Data Profiling capability is enabled and configured in Metadata Command Center for the catalog source.
Data Elements
The child assets of a data set. This section displays the data elements, such as columns, that constitute the data set. You can click a data element to see the details on a new technical asset page.
This field appears only for technical data sets.
Data Quality Score
Aggregated data quality scores for the technical asset.
The percentage value displays the overall score for the data elements that comprise the asset.
The Rules Against Target section display the aggregate quality measurement of the data sets and data elements against the defined threshold and target values.
Click View rules against target breakdown to see the data quality rules that specify the threshold and target values.
This field appears only for technical data sets and data elements.
Data Marketplace
Details of an asset's presence in Data Marketplace.
If an asset is added to a data collection in Data Marketplace, you can view the details of the data collection.
For more information about how you can connect Data Governance and Catalog to Data Marketplace, see the Set Up Data Marketplace help in Data Marketplace. For more information about how you can add an asset to a data collection, see the Working With Data Collections help in Data Marketplace.
Open Events
Open events for the data observability anomalies identified for the technical asset.
Users responsible for the technical asset or interested in the asset.
Asset Groups
One or more asset groups assigned to the asset. Asset groups allow users access to a set of assets in the organization.
You can assign asset groups to an asset if your organization administrator has granted you the Manage Access permission on the asset through access policies in Metadata Command Center.
Associated Business Data Sets
The business data sets that are associated with the technical data set.
This field appears only for technical data sets and data elements.
For information about creating data sets from technical assets, see the Working With Assets help module.
Created By
User that created the technical asset along with the date and time of creation.
Updated By
User that last updated the technical asset along with the date and time on which it was last updated.
Linked Lineage
The links that are generated for this catalog source as a result of linking it with another catalog source in Metadata Command Center. For more information about linking catalog sources to generate lineage, see the Administration help in Metadata Command Center.
You can view the links for a catalog source only if you're a stakeholder for the catalog source. Click this link to view all the links generated for this catalog source and to curate those links to view complete lineage. For more information about curating the catalog source links, see the Working with Assets help.
This panel appears only for catalog sources.
Note: The Overview tab for the following catalog sources display Primary key (PK) and Foreign key (FK) columns:

Lineage tab

View the lineage for technical data sets and data elements and see how the data flows across source systems.
For more information about viewing data lineage, see the Working With Assets help.

Contains tab

This tab is displayed only for technical data sets, such as a table. On this tab, you can view the properties of data elements that constitute the technical data set. You can also expand technical assets to view the complete hierarchy of all the child assets and can find the top-level assets by their names.
The following table describes the properties of data elements that you can view on the Contains tab:
Name of the constituent data element.
Business Name
Business name of the data element.
Type of the constituent data element.
Glossary assets that are associated with the constituent data elements.
You can use the Curate button to associate a data element with glossary assets. You can hover over a glossary to view the confidence score based on which the glossary asset was recommended, accepted or rejected.
Note: If a glossary asset was manually associated with the technical asset, the system won't display a confidence score when you hover over the glossary.
Data classifications associated with the constituent data elements.
You can use the Curate button to associate a data element with data classifications.
CLAIRE Recommendations
Automatically recommended glossary assets for the data element.
Profiling statistics
Null, distinct, and non-distinct values for the data element. For more information, see Data profiling statistics.
Source Data Type
Source data type of the data element.
Inferred Data Type
The data type that was inferred for the data element.
Description of the constituent data element as it appears in the source system.

Relationships tab

View other governance and source system assets that are related to the technical asset.
The following table describes the fields that appear on the Relationships tab:
Name of the related asset.
Type of the related asset.
How It Is Related
Relationship between the assets and the technical asset that you have opened.
Hover the mouse over the arrows to see if the relationship is a direct, indirect, inbound or outbound. The term "this asset" refers to the AI model that is open.
The following table describes the filters you can apply to the list of relationships:
Asset Type
Select one or more values to view related assets of specific asset types.
Defined Group
Specify whether you want to view related business or technical assets. You can select one of the following values:
  • - Governance: View assets for which the relationship is created in Data Governance and Catalog to add governance context to the technical asset.
  • - Source System: View assets that are organically related to the technical asset in the catalog source system.
View related assets of a particular origin. You can select the following values:
  • - Outbound: The relationship is created from the AI model to the related asset.
  • - Inbound: The relationship is created from the related asset to the AI model.
The lifecycle status of the published asset.
Relationship Type
View assets of a particular direction. You can select the following values:
  • - Direct: View assets that are directly connected to the AI model.
  • - Indirect: View assets that are connected to other assets, which are connected to the AI model that you have opened.

Data Quality tab

View aggregate and individual data quality scores for the data elements that comprise the technical asset.
The following table describes the scores on the Dimensions Latest Scores panel:
Aggregate score of the data elements with respect to valid and meaningful data.
Aggregate score of the data elements with respect to accurate and useful data.
Aggregate score of the data elements with respect to data that is complete and usable.
Aggregate score of the data elements with respect to data that is sufficiently recent for use.
Aggregate score of the data elements with respect to data that is consistently and regularly entered.
The following table describes the scores on the Rules Against Target panel:
Aggregate scores that are higher than the target value across each dimension for the data elements.
Aggregate scores that are higher than the threshold value but lower than the target value across each dimension for the data elements.
Not Acceptable
Aggregate scores that do not meet the data quality threshold across each dimension for the data elements.
The Total Rule Occurrence table shows the individual occurrences of the data quality rule. The aggregate scores on the Dimensions Latest Scores and Rules Against Target panels are a composite of the individual occurrences in the Total Rule Occurrence table. The following table describes the fields that appear in the Total Rule Occurrence table:
Name of the rule occurrence.
Data quality dimension for which the data quality rule is run.
Latest Score
Aggregate score from the latest rule run.
Date of the latest rule run.
Total Rows
Total number of rows in the data element for which the rule is run
Invalid Rows
Number of invalid rows in the data element for which the rule is run.
Primary Data Element
Data element on which the data quality rule is run.
This data element is the input port for the rule in the integrated data quality system. The data quality score is always generated for the primary data element.
Secondary Data Element
Secondary input port for the data quality rule that is run on the Primary Data Element.
Description of the rule occurrence.
Related Rule Template
Rule template for which the rule is run.

Data Observability tab

The Data Observability tab displays the open events for the anomalies identified for the technical data sets, data elements, and catalog sources.
The Open Events by Metric and Open Events by Severity panels visually represent open events for the data observability anomalies identified in your source data that are categorized by metrics and severity levels. The Open Events table shows all open events for the asset.
The following table describes the fields that appear in the Open Events panel:
Name of the event that data observability creates when it detects an anomaly in the source data.
Metric type against which the anomaly was identified and the event was created.
Source data within which the anomaly was identified.
Note: The Asset field appears only for the data sets and catalog sources.
Severity level of the event that data observability identified.
Last Detected
Timestamp that indicates when the anomaly was identified during the catalog source job.
Current state of the event.

Hierarchy tab

The Hierarchy tab appears only for technical data containers like schemas and databases. You can view the hierarchy of the technical asset in the source system. This tab displays the names of the technical assets in the hierarchy, the type of the technical asset, and the description of the asset.
Click the expand icon to view hierarchical child assets of the technical asset. Click a child asset to open the asset on a new page.
Note: In Metadata Command Center, if you modify the properties of the Extract Group Elements from Hierarchical Files field and run the catalog source again, the asset page will not display the hierarchical elements in their proper hierarchy groups. To display the assets in their correct hierarchy after you modify the properties of the Extract Group Elements from Hierarchical Files field, purge the catalog source before running it again.

Stakeholders tab

The Stakeholders tab of a technical asset displays the stakeholder assignment at the parent asset or child asset level. Stakeholders are authorized users who are responsible for the asset, and can approve or reject change requests for the asset. To view the stakeholders for a technical asset, the organization administrator must provide your user role the Read permission for the following Administrator service asset types:
The following table describes the fields that appear on the Stakeholders tab:
Name of the stakeholder.
The role that is assigned to the stakeholder.
User Origin
The origin of the users. For example, when a user logs in using SSO, the value for this field is displayed as SAML.
The email ID of the user.
Stakeholder Assignment
The assignment of the stakeholders for an asset. For technical assets, the stakeholder assignment is of the following types:
  • - Inherited. The stakeholder is inherited from the parent asset. For technical assets, the stakeholders are always inherited from the parent assets by default except the catalog source asset type.
  • - Specifically Assigned. The stakeholder is assigned specifically for this asset. Thus, the stakeholder is not inherited from the parent asset.
Note: If you search for a technical data set that has inherited stakeholders, the inherited stakeholders associated with the data set are not displayed in the search results. However, the inherited stakeholders appear on the technical data set asset page.
If you add or remove stakeholders to an asset, all the existing inherited as well as the newly added stakeholders are assigned as Specifically Assigned. If you add or delete a stakeholder to a child asset, the stakeholder assignment to its parent asset remains unchanged.
When a user group is assigned as a stakeholder for the parent or child asset, you can view all the stakeholders in the user group by expanding the user group on the Stakeholders tab of the asset page. You can view a maximum of 50 users in a user group at a time.
The following table shows how the different fields and options on the page that are displayed for an individual user who is assigned as a stakeholder and a user assigned as a stakeholder in a user group:
Individual User Assigned as a Stakeholder
User Assigned as a Stakeholder in a User Group
Delete button on the grid
Is displayed
Is not displayed
Stakeholder Assignment column on the grid
Is displayed
Is not displayed
Role column on the grid
Is displayed
Is not displayed
User Origin column on the grid
Is displayed
Is displayed
The following image shows the stakeholder assignment for users and user groups:
Image depicting the stakeholder assignment for users and user groups.

Tickets tab

View change request tickets that users have created for the technical asset. On this tab, you can view basic information about each ticket, such as, the name, description, ticket type, the status of the ticket and the details about when the ticket was created.

History tab

View changes that users have made to the technical asset. The History tab provides an audit log that you can use for compliance requirements.
The following table describes the fields that appear on the History tab:
Date on which the change was made.
Field in the system that was changed.
Old Value
Value in the field before the change.
New Value
Value in the field after the change.
Changed By
User that made the change.

Attributes tab

View the system-configured attributes and user-configured custom attributes for technical assets.
You can edit the values of custom attributes in the Custom Attributes sub-tab.
The following image displays the Attributes tab of a technical asset page:
Image depicting the Attributes tab with an option to edit custom attributes.