Informatica QuickLook Browser Extension > Set up Informatica QuickLook > Log in to the browser extension

Log in to the browser extension

Log in to the Informatica QuickLook browser extension with your Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services credentials. If you are already logged in to the Data Governance and Catalog web instance, the QuickLook browser extension automatically logs you in.
To launch the browser extension, open a web page in the browser. You cannot launch the extension unless you have opened a browser page. If you have a web page that is already open, refresh the web page to launch the browser extension.
You can start searching for assets in the Informatica QuickLook browser extension only after you log in.
    1On the browser window, click the Informatica QuickLook logo from the toolbar of your browser.
    2Click Log In.
    Image depicting the Log In page of the Informatica QuickLook browser extension.
    A new window opens and you are redirected to the Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services Log In page of the instance whose region URL you have configured.
    3Enter your Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services user name and password and or log in using Single Sign-On (SSO).
    4Click Log In.
    Note: When you log out of the QuickLook browser extension, your login session in the associated Data Governance and Catalog instance is terminated. Similarly, if you log out of the Data Governance and Catalog instance linked to the extension, you are logged out of the QuickLook browser extension.
After you log in, you can start searching for assets.