If you frequently search for a specific set of assets, you can save the search query with a name. The saved search can be a simple query or a complex query with several filters applied to it. This helps you to perform the same search later without re-entering the query. You can either type the search query, execute it, and then save it, or you can execute a search query from the recent search suggestions and save it. All your saved searches are visible in the My Saved Searches page. The saved searches are private to the user who created them.
You can use your saved searches to create a search-based widget in the Dashboard page. You can refresh the widget each time to see the data you want for a specific business interest. You can create a new search based widget with your saved searches in the Dashboard page. You can also share a saved search with several users, user groups, and user roles in your organization.
Saving a search
You can save a search from the search page and frequently use the search for your business purpose. To save a search, perform the following steps:
1In the search bar, type your search query and go to the search results page.
2Apply filters and click Save Search.
After you save a search, the Create Widget option is enabled and the Save Search option is disabled on the search page. You can create one or more widgets with a saved search. You will find the Create Widget option on the search page only if you have access to an editable dashboard.
3In the Save Search window, enter the name and description of the search that you want to save. Additionally, you can use the toggle button to create a dashboard widget to visualize the results of your saved searches.
4If you want to only save the search, click Save. If you want to additionally create a dashboard widget of the saved search, click Save & Next.
5The search is saved.
6Once you have created a saved search, to update the saved search click Update the Saved Search option. To save the search as a new search, click Save as a New Search.
Creating a dashboard widget for a saved search
You can optionally use the toggle button on the Save Search page to create a dashboard widget and visualize the results of your saved searches. You can also create a dashboard widget from the My Saved Searches page.
To create a dashboard widget of a saved search, perform the following steps:
1In the Create Widget window, enter the following properties:
Add to Dashboard
Select the dashboard to which you want to add the saved search widget from the drop-down list.
Add the title of the widget.
Optionally, add a description for the widget.
Visualization Type
Specify how you want to display the saved search results on the widget. You can choose one of the following types:
- List. The widget displays a table with the list of assets.
- Count. The widget displays the total count of assets that match the specified search criteria.
- Bar chart. The widget displays the count of the matched assets using rectangular bars.
- Donut chart. The widget displays the count of the matched assets using a donut chart.
Select Display Columns
Select the attributes of the saved search results that you want the List widget to display as columns. This field is applicable only for the List widget type.
Rows to Display
Choose the number of rows that you want the List widget to display. This field is applicable only for the List widget type.
Click Show Preview to see a preview of the widget type that you have selected.
2To create the dashboard widget of the saved search, click Create Widget.
3View, clone, edit, or delete the saved search widget created on the dashboard page.
If the saved search used in a widget is deleted, the widget becomes empty.
Viewing your saved searches
You can view all the searches you saved on the My Saved Searches page.
To view your saved searches, perform the following steps:
1Go to Home page and click Saved Searches.
My Saved Searches page opens.
2Click the Action menu and select any of the following options:
Edit Saved Search
Select to edit the search you saved.
Manage Sharing
Select to share the search and assign permissions.
Create Dashboard Widget
Select to create a dashboard widget of your saved search.
Delete Saved Search
Select to remove the saved search that is no longer in use.
3Click the star icon to mark some searches as favorites. These saved searches appear at the top of the page. Other searches that are not marked as favorites are sorted by most recently saved ones.
4Click More info to view the following details of the saved search:
Search Query
Name of the search query
Name of the saved search
Description of the saved search
Filters Applied
The filters applied to the saved search
The date when the saved search was created
The date when the saved search was updated
5If you do not have any saved searches, a message is displayed on the My Saved Searches page.
Sharing your saved searches
If you are the owner of a saved search, you can now share the search with several users, user groups, and user roles in your organization. If the organization administrator has enabled the Manage Access Control privilege for your user role in Administrator, you can also transfer ownership of a saved search to a different recipient if the existing owner is inactive.
To share a saved search, perform the following steps:
1On the Saved Searches page, click the action menu of a saved search and then click Manage Sharing.
2Based on whom you wish to share your search with, select the following options:
Select to remove the saved search access for everyone with whom you shared the search.
Share with specific users, user groups and roles
Select to share the saved search with one or more users, user groups, and roles, and assign them permissions to view or edit the saved search.
Share with all users
Select to share the saved search with all users and assign them permissions to view or edit the saved search.
3Click Add.
4Review the permissions you wish to assign to the users, user groups, and roles with whom you share your search. Click the value under the Permissions column. Once you've reviewed everything, click Share.
5Alternatively, you can share a search when you save a search. Enable the Share this Saved Search switcher in the Save Search tab and click Save & Next.
Assigning owner to a saved search
To assign an owner to a saved search, perform the following steps:
1On the Saved Searches page, click the action menu of a saved search with an inactive owner. Click Assign Owner.
2Select a new user and click Assign.
Deleting your saved searches
If a saved search is not relevant, you can delete the saved search only if you are the owner of the search. The recipients with whom you've shared the saved search can't delete the search.
To delete a saved search, perform the following steps:
1On the My Saved Searches page, click the Action menu for a search and then click Delete Saved Search.
2Review the impact of the saved search, and click Delete to proceed with the deletion. When you delete a saved search that is shared with one or more recipients, any widget that is created from the search will become empty.