Administration > IDMC metadata > Configuring IDMC metadata

Configuring IDMC metadata

To generate lineage with IDMC metadata, enable and configure IDMC metadata in Metadata Command Center.
    1In Metadata Command Center, go to the Configure page.
    2On the IDMC Metadata tab, enable IDMC metadata.
    The following image shows the configuration page where you enable IDMC metadata:
    The image shows the IDMC Metadata tab with the IDMC metadata option enabled and configuration fields shown.
    3From the Runtime Environment list, select a runtime environment on which you want to process metadata to generate lineage.
    Note: The run time environment that you select does not need to be the environment used to run the Data Integration workload.
    4In the Filters area, define one or more filter conditions to apply for metadata extraction:
    1. aSelect Include Metadata.
    2. bSelect All Types.
    3. cEnter the filter values.
    4. Filters can contain the following wildcards:
    5. dTo define an additional filter with an OR condition, click the Add icon.
    The following image shows sample filter options: The image shows a filter condition for IDMC Metadata that includes metadata from mapping tasks that start with the name Task_ located inside the Folder1 folder of the Project1 project.
    5In the Configuration Parameters area, enter expert parameters.
    This property appears when you click Show Advanced.
    Note: Use expert parameters when it is recommended by Informatica Global Customer Support.
    6Click Save.
    The IDMC Metadata Bulk Sync and IDMC Metadata Realtime Sync jobs start and you can monitor the status of these jobs on the Jobs tab of the Monitor page.
You can view lineage results in Data Governance and Catalog.

Configure run-time metadata synchronization intervals

You can configure how often you want to synchronize run-time metadata into the catalog. You can configure the frequency based on the number of successfully completed Data Integration tasks, the amount of time that the Metadata Command Center service waits before synchronizing the run-time metadata, or both.
  1. 1In Administrator, click Runtime Environments. The Runtime Environments page appears.
  2. 2Expand the Secure Agent group that includes the Secure Agent that you use to run IDMC Metadata jobs.
  3. 3Click the Secure Agent. The Details page appears.
  4. 4Scroll down to the System Configuration Details section.
  5. 5Select Metadata Platform Services from the Service list and update the following property values:
  6. Property
    The batch size based on which the run-time metadata is synchronized. 
    For example, if you enter the value 5, run-time metadata is synchronized after every five successfully completed tasks.
    Recommended value is 5.
    The maximum amount of time, in minutes, that the Metadata Command Center service waits before synchronizing the run-time metadata. If you configure both properties, this property takes precedence over the mps_data360StreamingBatchSize value. The Metadata Command Center service synchronizes the metadata after the time you set even if the specified number of tasks are not complete.
    For example, consider the following values:
    • - mps_data360StreamingBatchSize = 5
    • - mps_data360StreamingBatchWaitTimeInMin = 15
    This means that run-time metadata is synchronized after every 5 successful tasks even if it takes less than 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, run-time metadata is synchronized regardless of how many tasks are complete.
    Recommended value is 15.
Jobs of the following tasks start only when the synchronization interval criteria is met:
When the synchronization interval criteria is met, the job starts and the status changes from Submitted to Running.
Note: The Metadata Platform Service restarts every time you update the Metadata Platform Service properties of the Secure Agent.