Administration > Custom layouts for asset views > Custom layout for asset pages

Custom layout for asset pages

You can modify the layout of the various elements that a Data Governance and Catalog user sees on the main page of business and technical assets. An asset page refers to the primary page that displays the attributes of the asset. The asset page contains several tabs, and each tab contains corresponding panels and attributes.
The following image depicts the main page of an asset in Data Governance and Catalog:
Image depicting the main page when a user opens an asset.
For asset pages, you can perform the following customization:
Note: A layout with the suffix 'Default' in the layout name comes predefined in Data Governance and Catalog. This layout appears for all users. You cannot modify or delete this layout. You can, however, clone this layout and create a custom layout from it.
The following image highlights the default page layout for an asset type in the list of layouts:
Image depicting the default asset page layout for the Business Term asset type.

Creating a custom layout for an asset page

You can modify the layout of the asset page for specific asset types. Configure a layout, save it with a unique name, and then assign the layout to several roles and user groups or to all users in your organization. When a Data Governance and Catalog user opens an asset, they can view the assets as per the various layouts that are assigned for their user role or user group.
Your user role must have the Asset Page Customization privilege in Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services Administrator. For more information on feature privileges, see the Introduction and Getting Started help.
    1In Metadata Command Center, navigate to the Customize page, and go to the Asset Customization tab.
    2In the Asset Types list, select the asset type for which you want to create a layout.
    The right pane shows the layouts that have been configured for the asset type. The Page header shows all layouts configured for the asset page, and the Asset Preview header shows all layouts configured for the preview pane.
    Image depicting the layouts under the Page header and Asset Preview header for the Business Term asset type.
    3Click the add icon to create a new layout.
    Alternatively, you can click New > Customization > Custom Layouts to start creating a new layout.
    4Enter values for the following properties of the layout:
    Identifiable name for the layout. The name must be unique among the layouts for the asset type.
    Select 'Asset' from the list.
    Description of the layout.
    Asset Type
    Select the business or technical asset type for which you want to configure the layout.
    Assign To
    Specify the users to which you want to assign the layout.
    Select one of the following values:
    • - Specific roles. Assign the layout to users with specific roles. In the Roles field that appears, select the user roles.
    • - Specific user groups. Assign the layout to users that are part of specific user groups. In the User Groups field that appears, select the user groups.
    • - All. Assign the layout to users of all roles in your organization.
    Note: Only user roles that have the Read permission for the asset type will appear in this list. In Data Governance and Catalog, the users must have the Read permission for the asset type so that they can see the layout.
    Image depicting the dialog box to create a new asset page layout.
    5Click OK.
    A blank layout canvas opens.
    6In the layout canvas, add one or more tabs.
    Image depicting how you can add tabs to a blank layout canvas.
    7For each panel group within a tab, select a column layout.
    Image depicting how you can specify the column layout within a specific panel.
    8Within a panel, drag the components that you need from the available components in the Page Components tab.
    Image depicting an example layout. The Description and Relationships panels are added to the Overview tab.
    In a custom layout, you can also add a Relationships panel. You can configure the Relationships panel to display all related target assets or displays only the target assets that you specify. If you configure the Relationships panel to display only one target asset, Metadata Command Center allows you to specify the type of relationship the source asset has with the target asset.
    If you want to add the Relationships panel to a layout, consider the following:
    Note: The Relationships panel isn't available on the default layout of an asset.
    9To suppress an attribute, slide the Show Panel slider in the Properties tab to off. To permanently remove an attribute, click the delete icon.
    Image depicting the delete button and show-hide toggle for an attribute within a panel.
    10In other tabs, select a grid to specify further customization options.
    Image depicting customization options for a tab with a grid.
    11Click the Validate icon to check if the layout is configured correctly. Fix the issues that appear in the Validation Errors panel.
    Image depicting a validation error for a layout.
    12At any time, click Preview to visualize with sample data how the page will appear to Data Governance and Catalog users.
    Image depicting the preview of a layout.
    13When you are satisfied with the layout, click Save.
    The layout is saved for the asset type. However, it is not yet available to users.
    14To make a saved layout available to users, open the layout and click Publish.
    The layout is now available in Data Governance and Catalog to all the users that you have specified. If the user has several layouts assigned to the role or user group, all the layouts are visible.

Modifying, cloning and deleting a custom layout for an asset page

You can modify an existing asset page layout to make changes to the page. If you want to create a layout that is similar to an existing layout, you can clone a layout and modify it. If a layout is no longer needed, you can delete it.
Your user role must have the Asset Page Customization privilege in Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services Administrator. For more information on feature privileges, see the Introduction and Getting Started help.
    1In Metadata Command Center, navigate to the Customize page, and go to the Asset Customization tab.
    2In the Asset Types list, select the asset type for which you want to modify the layout.
    The right pane shows the layouts that have been configured for the asset type. The Page header shows all layouts configured for the asset page, and the Asset Preview header shows all layouts configured for the preview pane.
    Image depicting the layouts under the Page header and Asset Preview header for the Business Term asset type.
    3To modify an existing layout, click on the layout or select Edit from the action menu.
    Note: You cannot modify the predefined layout.
    4To clone a layout, select Clone from the action menu.
    You can now modify the layout and save it with a new name.
    5To delete a layout, click Delete from the action menu.
    The layout is deleted. If this layout was configured as default by a Data Governance and Catalog user, the first layout in the list now becomes the default layout.