Administration > Data classification

Data classification

Data classification is the process of identifying and organizing data into relevant categories based on the functional meaning of data. Classifying data can help your organization manage risks, compliance, and data security.
Enable the data classification capability on a catalog source to identify and organize critical source data into logical categories so that you can take measures to work effectively on it. You can either classify data based on AI-defined inclusion rules generated by CLAIRE, or you can curate rule-based data classifications manually in Data Governance and Catalog after the metadata is ingested into the catalog. To create rule-based data classifications, you can either use the predefined classifications, or create custom rules to classify data that is unique to your organization. Metadata Command Center provides more than 200 predefined data classifications by default.
When you configure Data Classification, choose either CLAIRE generated classifications, data classification rules, or both.
Note: To create and manage data classifications, ensure that you define appropriate roles and select the Manage Data Classifications feature for that role when configuring privileges for the Metadata Command Center service in Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services Administrator. For more information about feature privileges that the organization administrator can configure for user roles, see the Introduction and Getting Started help module.