You can create, modify, or disable stakeholder roles on the Stakeholder Roles tab.
Associate stakeholder roles with asset types and view access policies and assets associated with a stakeholder role on the Stakeholder Roles tab. You cannot delete a stakeholder role that you create.
When you create a stakeholder role, you associate asset types with the stakeholder role. You can then select the role when you assign stakeholders to assets. The stakeholder role replaces the stakeholdership privilege in Data Governance and Catalog.
If the user role corresponding to the stakeholder role is deleted in Administrator, a warning icon appears, and you need to disable the stakeholder role.
Creating a stakeholder role
Create a stakeholder role to grant granular access to stakeholders who are responsible for certain assets.
You cannot delete a stakeholder role that you create.
1On the Access Control page, select the Users tab.
2Click the Stakeholder Roles tab, and then click Add.
The New Stakeholder Role dialog appears.
3Select the user role from which you want to create the stakeholder role.
Note: You cannot add a name or description to the stakeholder role. The stakeholder role takes the name and description of the user role that you select.
4Select the asset types to associate with the stakeholder role.
5Click Create.
The stakeholder role is created and enabled.
Editing a stakeholder role
You can modify the asset types that you add to a stakeholder role that you create.
1On the Access Control page, click Users.
2Click the Stakeholder Roles tab and select the stakeholder role that you want to modify.
3From the Actions menu, click Edit.
4Select the asset types that you want to add or remove.
5Click Update.
Disabling a stakeholder role
Disable a stakeholder role if the user role associated with the stakeholder role is deleted. You can also disable a stakeholder role to prevent users from assigning it to assets and access policies.
1On the Access Control page, click Users.
2Click the Stakeholder Roles tab.
3Select the stakeholder role that you want to disable.
4From the Actions menu, click Disable.
To associate the role with access policies again, you can enable the disabled role. To enable a stakeholder role that you disabled, click Enable.