Administration > Jobs > Monitor jobs for technical assets

Monitor jobs for technical assets

View the details of the jobs for technical assets on the Monitor page in Metadata Command Center.
Click the job name on the Monitor page to go to the Overview page for more details about the job, or navigate to the Logs page to view detailed logs for each task in the job.
The Overview page lets you monitor the job completion status, the execution duration of the job, the status of the individual tasks associated with the job, and more. The jobs for technical assets include the catalog source sync job, catalog source delete job, catalog source purge job, the lookup table import job and other details. The following image shows an example of a catalog source job Overview page and its panels:
Image of the job Overview page for a catalog source sync job.
1. Job Details
Expand or collapse the Job Details section to view the primary details about your job. This panel displays the following data:
Job Detail
Job ID
The unique ID of the job.
Job Type
The type of job for technical assets.
User Name
The name of the user that triggered the job.
2. Tasks
View or download tasks associated with the job. The tasks are displayed in a hierarchical manner, with the parent tasks containing subtasks. The parent tasks are usually capability-level tasks, such as Metadata Extraction, Data Profiling, Data Classification, and Glossary Association.
You can hover the mouse over any parent task and click Download Task Log to download logs, View Task Log to view logs, or Retry Task to retry a task that has completed with errors. You cannot download or view logs for subtasks. When you search for a task in the Tasks panel, the search result always displays the parent task along with the subtask that is searched. The Tasks panel displays the following details of the parent tasks and their subtasks:
Task Detail
The name of the parent task or the subtask.
Submitted Time
The time at which the task was submitted.
Start Time
The time at which the task started.
End Time
The time at which the task ended.
Execution Duration
The amount of time that the task takes to execute.
The status of the task. It could be Completed, Completed with Errors, Running or Failed.
3. Task Details
Select a parent task in the Tasks panel to view the following information about the selected task in the Task Details panel:
4. Menu
The menu on the top of the Overview page displays the following information about the job:
Job Detail
The status of the job. It could be Completed, Completed with Errors, Running or Failed.
If the job fails or completes with errors, click the View Errors link that appears next to the status to go to the Logs page to view at a glance all the tasks that failed or caused errors.
Completed Tasks
The progress bar that shows the completion status of the tasks in the job.
Submitted Time
The time at which the job was submitted.
Start Time
The time at which the job started.
End Time
The time at which the job ended.
Execution Duration
The total amount of time that the job takes to execute, including the execution of the tasks associated with the job.
You can click the Download Job Log icon to download logs for the entire job. You can download logs for jobs regardless of the status of the job.
The Logs page for a job displays detailed log for each task that was executed in the job. The following image shows an example Logs page of a catalog source sync job:
Image of the Logs page for jobs of technical assets.
You can perform the following actions on the Logs page: