A role is a set of privileges that you can assign to users and user groups. When the organization administrator creates roles and sets the correct permissions and privileges, the roles define the boundaries within which the users can act.
User roles
A user role defines the permissions and privileges for different types of assets and features. Organization administrators can create and assign user roles for the organization in Administrator. You can assign a user role to the users or user groups in your organization.
The user roles that the organization administrator creates for your organization appear on the Users tab on the Access Control page. You can view access policies associated with user roles. To view the list of associated access policies, select the user role and click Show Policies from the Actions menu.
For more information about creating user roles and assigning them to users and user groups, see User Administration in Administrator.
Stakeholder roles
A stakeholder role is a defined organizational responsibility that you declare on assets. You create stakeholder roles from user roles. A user with a stakeholder role can have granular access to assets based on the access policies that you configure.
Stakeholder roles allow you to control how authorized users interact with the assets for which they are responsible. A stakeholder role reflects a user's responsibilities as a stakeholder of an asset and allows them to perform governance activities with only the permissions and privileges necessary to perform their tasks.
View user roles, stakeholder roles, and stakeholders on the Users tab on the Access Control page.
The following image shows the Stakeholder Roles tab with a list of stakeholder roles:
Stakeholders tab
You associate assets with users and user groups in Data Governance and Catalog. After you associate assets, the list of users and user groups appears on the Stakeholders tab. If a user or user group associated with assets is deleted, the page indicates that the user or user group is deleted. You can view assets associated with users and user groups. To view the list of associated assets, click Show Assets from the Actions menu.