Catalog Source Configuration > IBM Cognos > Before you begin

Before you begin

Before you create a catalog source, ensure that you have the information required to connect to the source system.
Perform the following tasks:

Verify permissions

To extract metadata and to configure other capabilities that a catalog source might include, you need account access and permissions on the source system. The permissions required might vary depending on the capability.

Permissions for metadata extraction

To extract IBM Cognos metadata, you need account access and permissions to the IBM Cognos source system.
Verify that the administrator performs the following tasks:

Permissions to run data classification

You can perform data classification with the permissions required to perform metadata extraction.

Permissions to run glossary association

You can perform glossary association with the permissions required to perform metadata extraction.

Get IBM Cognos source information

Before you configure the catalog source, get the values of the connection properties that you need to configure from the IBM Cognos administrator
Note: You don't need to create a connection object for IBM Cognos. You provide this information when you configure the catalog source.
The following table describes the properties that you need:
The version of the IBM Cognos software that's installed.
Note: If you don't know the version, you can select Auto detect when you specify the connection information.
Dispatcher URL
The external dispatcher URI of a dispatcher through which the Framework Manager, Metrics Designer, or SDK clients connect to IBM Cognos.
For example: http://<host name>:9300/p2pd/servlet/dispatch
The namespace that defines a collection of user accounts from an authentication provider. Leave this parameter blank if authentication isn't configured.
The user name of the user to connect to the IBM Cognos repository. Verify that this user has permissions to the objects that you want to extract. Leave this parameter blank if authentication isn't configured.
The password to connect to the IBM Cognos repository. Leave this parameter blank if authentication isn't configured.

Create endpoint catalog sources for connection assignment

An endpoint catalog source represents a source system that the catalog source references. Before you perform connection assignment, create endpoint catalog sources and run the catalog source jobs.
You can then perform connection assignment to reference source systems to view complete lineage with source system objects.