Catalog Source Configuration > Microsoft Azure SQL Server Script > Before you begin

Before you begin

Before you can extract catalog source metadata, complete prerequisite tasks.
Perform the following prerequisite tasks:

Verify permissions

To extract Microsoft Azure SQL Server Script metadata, you need account access and permissions to the Microsoft Azure SQL Server Script catalog source and the Microsoft SQL Server source system.
Verify that the administrator has the following permissions:

Create a connection

Before you configure the Microsoft Azure SQL Server Script catalog source, create a connection object in Administrator.
Ensure that you have the database source information to connect to the Microsoft SQL Server.
    1In Administrator, select Connections.
    2Click New Connection.
    3Enter the following connection details specific to Microsoft SQL Server connection:
    Connection Name
    Name of the connection.
    Each connection name must be unique within the organization. Connection names can contain alphanumeric characters, spaces, and the following special characters: _ . + -,
    Maximum length is 255 characters.
    Description of the connection. Maximum length is 4000 characters.
    Type of connection.
    Select SQL Server from the list.
    Runtime Environment
    The name of the runtime environment where you want to run the tasks.
    A runtime environment is either Informatica Cloud Secure Agent or a serverless runtime environment.
    SQL Server Version
    This property is not applicable for Microsoft SQL Server Connector.
    4 You can configure one of the following authentication modes to connect to Microsoft SQL Server databases:
    5Select the required authentication type and then configure the authentication-specific parameters. Default is SQL Server Authentication.
    The following table describes the basic connection properties for SQL Server authentication:
    Applies to Windows Authentication v2.
    The domain name of the Windows user.
    User Name
    User name for the database login. The user name can't contain a semicolon.
    To connect to Microsoft Azure SQL Database, specify the user name in the following format: username@host
    If you use Windows Authentication v2 on Windows, the user name is used as follows:
    • - During design time, the agent uses the user name specified here to test the connection.
    • - During runtime, the Microsoft SQL server driver ignores the user name specified in this field and uses the credentials of the user who started the Secure Agent service.
    If you use Windows Authentication v2 on Linux, the user name specified here is used both during design time and runtime.
    Note: This property is not applicable if you use the Windows Authentication mode to access Microsoft SQL Server.
    Password for the database login. The password can't contain a semicolon.
    If you use Windows Authentication v2 on Windows, the password is used as follows:
    • - During design time, the agent uses the password specified here to test the connection.
    • - During runtime, the Microsoft SQL server driver ignores the password specified in this field and uses the credentials of the user who started the Secure Agent service.
    If you use Windows Authentication v2 on Linux, the password specified here is used both during design time and runtime.
    Note: This property is not applicable if you use the Windows Authentication mode to access Microsoft SQL Server.
    Name of the machine hosting the database server.
    To connect to Microsoft Azure SQL Database, specify the fully qualified host name.
    For example,
    Network port number used to connect to the database server.
    Default is 1433.
    Instance Name
    Instance name of the Microsoft SQL Server database.
    Database Name
    Database name for the Microsoft SQL Server target connection. Database name is case-sensitive if the database is case-sensitive. Maximum length is 100 characters.
    Database names can include alphanumeric and underscore characters.
    Schema used for the target connection.
    Code Page
    The code page of the database server.
    The following table describes the basic connection properties for Windows authentication:
    Applies to Windows Authentication v2.
    The domain name of the Windows user.
    Name of the machine hosting the database server.
    To connect to Microsoft Azure SQL Database, specify the fully qualified host name.
    For example,
    Network port number used to connect to the database server.
    Default is 1433.
    Instance Name
    Instance name of the Microsoft SQL Server database.
    Database Name
    Database name for the Microsoft SQL Server target connection. Database name is case-sensitive if the database is case-sensitive. Maximum length is 100 characters.
    Database names can include alphanumeric and underscore characters.
    Schema used for the target connection.
    Code Page
    The code page of the database server.
    The following table describes the basic connection properties for Active Directory Password authentication:
    Applies to Windows Authentication v2.
    The domain name of the Windows user.
    User Name
    User name for the database login. The user name can't contain a semicolon.
    To connect to Microsoft Azure SQL Database, specify the user name in the following format: username@host
    If you use Windows Authentication v2 on Windows, the user name is used as follows:
    • - During design time, the agent uses the user name specified here to test the connection.
    • - During runtime, the Microsoft SQL server driver ignores the user name specified in this field and uses the credentials of the user who started the Secure Agent service.
    If you use Windows Authentication v2 on Linux, the user name specified here is used both during design time and runtime.
    Note: This property is not applicable if you use the Windows Authentication mode to access Microsoft SQL Server.
    Password for the database login. The password can't contain a semicolon.
    If you use Windows Authentication v2 on Windows, the password is used as follows:
    • - During design time, the agent uses the password specified here to test the connection.
    • - During runtime, the Microsoft SQL server driver ignores the password specified in this field and uses the credentials of the user who started the Secure Agent service.
    If you use Windows Authentication v2 on Linux, the password specified here is used both during design time and runtime.
    Note: This property is not applicable if you use the Windows Authentication mode to access Microsoft SQL Server.
    Name of the machine hosting the database server.
    To connect to Microsoft Azure SQL Database, specify the fully qualified host name.
    For example,
    Network port number used to connect to the database server.
    Default is 1433.
    Instance Name
    Instance name of the Microsoft SQL Server database.
    Database Name
    Database name for the Microsoft SQL Server target connection. Database name is case-sensitive if the database is case-sensitive. Maximum length is 100 characters.
    Database names can include alphanumeric and underscore characters.
    Schema used for the target connection.
    Code Page
    The code page of the database server.
    The following table describes the basic connection properties for Windows Authentication V2:
    Applies to Windows Authentication v2.
    The domain name of the Windows user.
    User Name
    User name for the database login. The user name can't contain a semicolon.
    To connect to Microsoft Azure SQL Database, specify the user name in the following format: username@host
    If you use Windows Authentication v2 on Windows, the user name is used as follows:
    • - During design time, the agent uses the user name specified here to test the connection.
    • - During runtime, the Microsoft SQL server driver ignores the user name specified in this field and uses the credentials of the user who started the Secure Agent service.
    If you use Windows Authentication v2 on Linux, the user name specified here is used both during design time and runtime.
    Note: This property is not applicable if you use the Windows Authentication mode to access Microsoft SQL Server.
    Password for the database login. The password can't contain a semicolon.
    If you use Windows Authentication v2 on Windows, the password is used as follows:
    • - During design time, the agent uses the password specified here to test the connection.
    • - During runtime, the Microsoft SQL server driver ignores the password specified in this field and uses the credentials of the user who started the Secure Agent service.
    If you use Windows Authentication v2 on Linux, the password specified here is used both during design time and runtime.
    Note: This property is not applicable if you use the Windows Authentication mode to access Microsoft SQL Server.
    Name of the machine hosting the database server.
    To connect to Microsoft Azure SQL Database, specify the fully qualified host name.
    For example,
    Network port number used to connect to the database server.
    Default is 1433.
    Instance Name
    Instance name of the Microsoft SQL Server database.
    Database Name
    Database name for the Microsoft SQL Server target connection. Database name is case-sensitive if the database is case-sensitive. Maximum length is 100 characters.
    Database names can include alphanumeric and underscore characters.
    Schema used for the target connection.
    Code Page
    The code page of the database server.
    The following table describes the basic connection properties for Kerberos authentication:
    Applies to Windows Authentication v2.
    The domain name of the Windows user.
    Name of the machine hosting the database server.
    To connect to Microsoft Azure SQL Database, specify the fully qualified host name.
    For example,
    Network port number used to connect to the database server.
    Default is 1433.
    Instance Name
    Instance name of the Microsoft SQL Server database.
    Database Name
    Database name for the Microsoft SQL Server target connection. Database name is case-sensitive if the database is case-sensitive. Maximum length is 100 characters.
    Database names can include alphanumeric and underscore characters.
    Schema used for the target connection.
    Code Page
    The code page of the database server.
    6Click Test Connection.