Before you create a catalog source, ensure that you have the information required to connect to the source system.
Perform the following tasks:
•Assign the required permissions.
•Save the Microsoft SQL Server Script files on the runtime environment from which you want to extract metadata.
•Get the database source information to connect to the source system.
Verify permissions
To extract metadata and to configure other capabilities that a catalog source might include, you need account access and permissions on the source system. The permissions required might vary depending on the capability.
Permissions for metadata extraction
To extract Microsoft SQL Server Script metadata, you need account access and permissions to the Microsoft SQL Server Script catalog source and the Microsoft SQL Server source system.
Verify that the administrator has the following permissions:
•Read permission to access the folder containing scripts.
•Permissions to configure the Microsoft SQL Server connection:
- select on sys.all_columns
- select on sys.all_objects
- select on sys.all_parameters
- select on sys.database_principals
- select on sys.databases
- select on sys.foreign_key_columns
- select on sys.indexes
- select on sys.index_columns
- select on sys.partitions
- select on sys.schemas
- select on sys.sql_modules
- select on sys.synonyms
- select on sys.types
- select on sys.tables
- select on sys.table_types
Create a connection
Before you configure the Microsoft SQL Server Script catalog source, create a connection object in Administrator.
1In Administrator, select Connections.
2Click New Connection.
3Enter the following connection details:
Connection Name
Name of the Microsoft SQL Server Script connection. Must be unique within the organization.
Connection names can contain alphanumeric characters, spaces, and the following special characters: _ . + -
Maximum length is 100 characters.
Connection names are not case sensitive.
Optional description of the connection.
Maximum length is 255 characters.
Type of connection. Ensure that the type is Microsoft SQL Server.
4Enter properties specific to the Microsoft SQL Server connection:
Runtime Environment
The execution platform that runs tasks. The runtime environment is either a Secure Agent or a serverless runtime environment.
User Name
Name of the Microsoft SQL Server user account that connects to the Microsoft SQL Server database.
Host name of the machine where Microsoft SQL Server runs.
Port number for the Microsoft SQL Server database engine service.
Code Page
Code page associated with the Microsoft SQL Server database.
Schema used for the target connection.
Database Name
Name of the Microsoft SQL Server database to connect to.
5Click Test Connection.
The results of the test are displayed on the page.