Catalog Source Configuration > Oracle Business Intelligence > Before you begin

Before you begin

Before you create a catalog source, ensure that you have the information required to connect to the source system.
Perform the following tasks:

Verify permissions

To extract metadata and to configure other capabilities that a catalog source might include, you need account access and permissions on the source system. The permissions required might vary depending on the capability.

Permissions for metadata extraction

To extract Oracle Business Intelligence metadata, you need account access and read permissions to the Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Presentation Server.

Convert the Oracle Business Intelligence RPD repository file to an XML or UDML file

After you download the RPD repository file, you can convert the file to XML or UDML format. The steps to convert the RPD file to an XML or UDML file differ based on the Oracle Business Intelligence version.

Oracle Business Intelligence version

Run the biserverxmlgen command to generate the XML file.
Use biserverxmlgen.cmd for Windows and for Linux operating systems.
For example, you can run the following command to generate the XML file for Windows operating systems:
biserverxmlgen.cmd -R repository.rpd -P Admin123 -O repository.xml -N -Q -8
Note: Metadata Command Center doesn't support the UDML file format for Oracle Business Intelligence version 12.x.
For more information, see the corresponding Oracle documentation.

Oracle Business Intelligence version 11.x

  1. 1Run the initialization script to configure a command prompt or shell window that is initialized to your Oracle instance.
  2. For recent 11.x versions, it is bi-init.cmd for Windows and for UNIX operating systems.
    For example, you can run the following initialization script for Windows operating systems:
    For older 11.x versions, it is nqinit.bat for Windows and for UNIX operating systems.
    For example, you can run the following initialization script for UNIX operating systems:
    You might have to configure the following environment variables for UNIX operating systems:
  3. 2Run the biserverxmlgen command to generate the XML file.
  4. Use biserverxmlgen.cmd for Windows and for Linux operating systems.
    For example, you can run the following command to generate the XML file for Windows operating systems:
    biserverxmlgen -R paint.rpd -P Admin123 -O paint.xml -N -Q -8
Note: Metadata Command Center doesn't support the UDML file format for Oracle Business Intelligence version 11.x.
For more information, see the corresponding Oracle documentation.

Oracle Business Intelligence version 10.x

Run the nQUDMLGen command in the $OracleBIHome$\server\bin directory to convert the RPD file to a UDML file.
For example, you can run the following command to generate the UDML file for Windows operating systems:
QUDMLGen.exe -U Administrator -P Administrator -R paint.rpd -O paint.udml -N -Q -8s
For more information, see the corresponding Oracle documentation.

Get Oracle Business Intelligence source information

Get the values of the connection properties that you need to configure from the Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Presentation Server administrator.
Note: You don't need to create a connection object for Oracle Business Intelligence. You provide this information when you configure the catalog source.
The following table describes the properties that you need:
Select the version of the Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Presentation Server from where you want to import metadata.
Select one of the following options to specify the version:
  • - Auto Detect. Select this option to let Metadata Command Center detect the version of Oracle Business Intelligence.
  • - OBIEE 10.x. Select this option if you use the Oracle Business Intelligence 10.x version.
  • - OBIEE 11.x. Select this option if you use the Oracle Business Intelligence 11.x or 12.x versions.
Server URL
The URL to connect to the Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Presentation Server. Format is: http://<host name>:<port number>/analytics/saw.dll
If you use SSL, ensure that Metadata Command Center trusts the server certificate of the Oracle Business Intelligence Presentation Server.
Note: If single sign-on is enabled for the user, replace analytics with analytics-ws in the server URL.
Format is: http://<host name>:<port number>/analytics-ws/saw.dll
Login User
The user name to access the Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Presentation Server. Ensure that the user name you use has the necessary permissions to import metadata.
Login Password
The password associated with the user name.
Metadata File
The absolute path to the XML or UDML metadata file located on the Secure Agent machine.

Create endpoint catalog sources for connection assignment

You can perform connection assignment to reference source systems to view source system objects. Before you perform connection assignment, create catalog sources for each reference source system that you want to connect to.
An endpoint catalog source represents a source system that the catalog source references. Before you perform connection assignment, create catalog sources and run the catalog source jobs for source systems that your catalog source references.