The Metadata Command Center home page presents a dashboard of various jobs, connections, and assets. The dashboard provides a view that you can use to quickly see the status of the activities and trends.
The following image is a sample of the dashboard and its panels:
1. Highlights
Get a quick view of your most important data in Metadata Command Center. This panel displays the following data:
- Catalog Sources: Number of catalog sources that you configured
- Assets: Number of assets
- Users: Number of users that you configured
- Custom Attributes: Number of custom attributes that you created for your assets
- Data Classifications: Number of data classification expressions that you created
2. Job Monitor
See the status of jobs in Metadata Command Center.
The panel displays the following job statuses:
The number of jobs that failed in the last 24 hours. Click the number to see the list of all the jobs that failed.
The number of jobs that completed in the last 24 hours. Click the number to see the list of all the jobs that completed successfully.
The number of jobs in progress that started before the last 24 hours. Click the number to see the list of all the jobs that are running.
Completed with errors
The number of jobs that completed with errors in the last 24 hours. Click the number to see the list of all the jobs that have completed with errors.
3. Asset Trends
Get a graphical view of the growth of the catalog and business assets in Metadata Command Center. This panel displays the following information:
- Catalog Assets: View the top catalog asset types that are extracted from the catalog sources over the specified period of time.
- Business Assets: Select this tab to view the growth of assets based on the metadata extracted from the catalog sources over the specified period of time.
- View All: Click View All to see all catalog and business assets in Data Governance and Catalog.
- Over time: From this list, select a value to view assets growth data for the last 7 days, last 30 days, or last year.
4. Connections
See the connections from catalog sources that have been assigned or unassigned to the database schema.
The panel title displays the following information about the connections:
- Matched Objects: The percentage of objects that matched between the connected catalog sources.
- Unmatched Objects: The percentage of objects that did not match between the connected catalog sources.
5. Recent Jobs
See the status of recent jobs that you started or are triggered by your activities.
The panel displays the following properties for the job:
Name of the job
Click any job name to open the job in a new page and view complete details of that job.
Type of the job
Completion status of the job
To go to the Monitor page and see the complete list of jobs that are triggered by all users in the tenant, click View All. For a complete list of jobs that you started, click My Jobs.
6. Navigation Bar
Navigate to the various components of the Metadata Command Center application to perform different actions.
The navigation bar displays the following menu:
Navigation Page
Create a new asset type.
View the dashboard to see snapshots of recent jobs, asset trends, and assigned or unassigned connections. Also, view highlights of catalog sources, assets, users, and custom attributes.
Browse for asset types.
See the details and completion status of jobs.
For more information about the status of jobs, see the Administration help.
Specify reference ID and manage workflows for working with assets.
For more information about configuring reference IDs and workflows, see the Administration help.
Manage custom attributes and modify page display layouts for assets. Create and manage custom catalog source types and metadata models for a custom catalog source.
For more information about performing these tasks, see the Administration help.