What's New > April 2024 > New features and enhancements

New features and enhancements

The April 2024 release of Metadata Command Center includes the following new features and enhancements.

New catalog sources

This release includes the following new catalog sources:
For information about catalog sources, see the Catalog Source Configuration help.

Profiling enhancements

Amazon Redshift
You can run data profiling and data quality tasks for the Random N Rows sampling type.
Apache Hive
You can enable profiling and run data quality tasks on Apache Hive databases.
Microsoft Fabric Data Warehouse
You can enable profiling and run data quality tasks for Microsoft Fabric Data Warehouse.
You can enable and run data profiling and data quality tasks on all PostgreSQL asset types.

Connection-aware scans

You can run connection-aware scans on the following catalog sources:

Identify anomalies in your source systems with the data observability capability

You can use the data observability capability to identify and visualize anomalies in the characteristics of your source system data. An anomaly is a sudden deviation from a usual trend within a source system.
To use the data observability feature, first enable the data profiling capability and run data profiling on the complete source system. Then, enable the data observability feature for your source system in Metadata Command Center.
You can use Data Governance and Catalog to view and evaluate the data anomalies that you identify.

Assign ticket creators to human tasks in workflows

When you configure a workflow, you can choose to include the ticket creator in the list of roles that can perform a human task. A ticket creator is a user who starts the workflow ticket. If you assign ticket creator to a human task, when the workflow runs, Data Governance and Catalog identifies the user who created the ticket and assigns the human task to the user. The user must have at least the minimum required privileges to view and perform the human task.
For more information, see Configure workflows in the Administration help.

Configure schedules for each capability in a catalog source

You can configure separate schedules for each capability that you configure in a catalog source. If you create separate schedules, jobs for each capability run separately at the scheduled date and time instead of at a single scheduled date and time.
When you configure a schedule for data quality, you can choose to run data quality rules based on the frequency defined for the rule occurrence in Data Governance and Catalog.
For more information, see the Catalog Source Configuration help.

Filters for metadata extraction

You can define metadata extraction filters based on specific asset types for the following catalog sources:
The asset types that you can select depend on the catalog source.
For more information, see the Catalog Source Configuration help.

Extract external tables and columns using PolyBase in Microsoft Azure Synapse

You can run a Microsoft Azure Synapse catalog source job to extract metadata from external tables and columns created from the following source systems using PolyBase:
For more information, see the Catalog Source Configuration help.

Extract external tables and columns using PolyBase in Microsoft SQL Server

You can run a Microsoft SQL Server catalog source job to extract metadata from external tables and columns created from Microsoft Azure Blob Storage using PolyBase.
For more information, see the Catalog Source Configuration help.

Extract objects created using OracleDBLinks in Oracle catalog sources

You can extract metadata from objects created using OracleDBLinks. OracleDBLinks creates objects that contain data from other schemas or databases. You can extract objects created from other Oracle databases.
For information about how to extract metadata from Oracle catalog sources, see the Catalog Source Configuration help.

Define the scope for glossary association

You can choose specific top-level business glossary assets to associate with technical assets. The top-level business glossary assets include its child assets.

Rename data classifications

You can rename the data element and data entity classifications that you create or import.
For information about data classification rules, see the Administration help.

Update sensitivity levels of multiple data element classifications

You can update the sensitivity level of multiple data element classifications. You can update the sensitivity level for the classifications that you create or import.

SAP Business Warehouse (SAP BW)

You can extract Open Hub Destination objects from an SAP BW source system.
For information about how to extract metadata from SAP Business Warehouse (SAP BW) catalog sources, see the Catalog Source Configuration help.


This release includes the following enhancements:

Run metadata extraction tasks on a serverless runtime environment

You can run metadata extraction tasks on a serverless runtime environment for the following catalog sources:
A serverless runtime environment is an advanced serverless deployment solution that does not require downloading, installing, configuring, and maintaining a Secure Agent or Secure Agent group.
For more information about serverless runtime environment, see Runtime environments in the Administrator help.

Microsoft Azure private link

You can configure a private connection between your Azure account and the following services using the Microsoft Azure private link:
For more information about Microsoft Azure private link configuration, see the following How-To Library article: Microsoft Azure Private Link Onboarding Guide for Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services.

Use new authentication methods to connect to Microsoft Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2

You can use Shared Key Authentication or Managed Identity Authentication to connect to Microsoft Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2.

Use a custom query sampling type in Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server catalog sources.

You can use custom queries as a sampling method when you configure data profiling and quality tasks in Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server catalog sources.

EC2 Instance Profile authentication for Amazon Athena

You can now use the EC2 Instance Profile authentication mechanism to connect to an Amazon Athena connection. This authentication mechanism is also available for Data Profiling and Data Quality.