Tasks > Mapping tasks > Viewing and editing mapping task details

Viewing and editing mapping task details

You can view details about a mapping task, such as the mapping or runtime environment used by the task.
The Task Details page includes the following information:
To view details for a mapping task, perform the following steps:
    1On the Explore page, navigate to the task.
    2In the row that contains the task, click Actions and select View.
    On the Task Details page, you can click Edit to modify the mapping task.

Sequence values

When you run a mapping task that includes a Sequence transformation in the mapping, you can change the beginning value for the sequence.
To change the beginning value, you change the Current Value field in the Sequences page in the mapping task wizard. The Current Value field shows the first value the task will generate in the sequence, based on the last value generated in the last task execution.
For example, the last time you ran the CustDataIDs task, the last value generated was 124. The next time the task runs, the first number in the sequence is 125 because the Sequence transformation is configured to increment by 1. If you want the sequence to begin with 200, you change the Current Value to 200.
The Sequences page in the mapping task wizard displays the name of the Sequence transformation, the current value, and the initial value. In this example, the current value is 125.
Note: If the Sequence transformation is configured to reset the value for each run, editing the current value in the mapping task has no effect.