Monitor > Monitoring jobs > Customizing the jobs pages

Customizing the jobs pages

You can decide which properties to display on the All Jobs, Running Jobs, and My Jobs pages. You can also sort and filter jobs, drill down on a job to view detailed information about the job, and view properties for subtasks.
The following image shows the properties that are displayed by default on the All Jobs page:
By default, the All Jobs page shows the instance name, subtasks, start time, end time, rows processed, and status for all jobs. You can add other columns, rearrange columns, and sort and filter the jobs on this page.
  1. 1Column heading area. Right-click this area to add and remove columns.
  2. 2Sort icon
  3. 3Filter icon
  4. 4Find field
You can customize the jobs pages in the following ways:
Display, hide, or rearrange job properties.
To display or hide specific properties, right-click the column heading area and check or uncheck the properties.
To rearrange the columns, click a column heading and drag it to a different location.
Sort jobs.
To sort the displayed jobs, click the column heading for the property that you want to sort by. For example, to list the most recently completed jobs first, click the End Time column. The arrow in the column heading indicates the sort order, either ascending or descending. To reverse the sort order, click the column heading again.
You can also sort jobs by clicking the Sort icon and selecting the column name.
Find jobs.
To find specific jobs on the All Jobs, Running Jobs, and My Jobs pages, use the find field. You can search for jobs by entering a full or partial job name or error message in the find field.
Filter jobs.
To filter the jobs that appear on the All Jobs, and My Jobs pages, click the Filter icon. Use filters to find specific jobs. You can specify keywords and partial strings in your filters.
To specify a filter, click Add Field, select the property to filter by, and then enter the property value. For example, to find jobs with names that contain the string "Sales," select "Asset Name" as the filter field, and enter "Sales" as the value. Or, to find jobs with errors that contain the string "Hosted Agent," select "Error Message" as the filter field, and enter "Hosted Agent" as the value.
You can specify multiple filters. For example, to find failed mappings, select the following filter fields and values:
The following image shows the All Jobs page with the filters applied:
In this image, the “Asset Type” and “Status” filters have been applied to show only failed mappings.
  1. 1Applied filters
  2. 2Remove Filter icon
To remove all applied filters, click the Remove Filter icon.