Monitor > Monitoring Data Integration jobs > Monitoring mappings and mapping tasks

Monitoring mappings and mapping tasks

To view detailed information about a specific mapping instance, task instance, or mapping data preview job, click the job name on the All Jobs, Running Jobs, orMy Jobs page.
The following image shows the job details for a mapping task:
The job details for a mapping task instance shows the job properties and results. It also shows the number of success and error rows for each source and target.
You view different details in each panel, and the details change based on the type of task that you run.

Job properties

The job properties for each mapping instance, task instance, or mapping data preview job display general properties about the instance.
The job properties include the following properties:
Task name
Name of the task.
Instance ID
Instance number for the task. For example, if you are looking at the third run of the task, this field displays "3."
Task type
Task type, for example mapping task.
Started by
Name of the user or schedule that started the job.
Start time
Date and time that the job was started.
End time
Date and time that the job completed or stopped.
Amount of time the job ran before it completed or was stopped.
Runtime environment
Runtime environment in which the job ran.
Secure Agent
Secure Agent that ran the job.

Job results

The job results for each mapping instance, task instance, or mapping data preview job display the status of the job and success and error statistics.
The job results include the following properties:
Job status. A job can have one of the following statuses:
  • - Starting. The job is starting.
  • - Running. The job is still running.
  • - Success. The job completed successfully.
  • - Stopped. The job was stopped by a user or the parent job has stopped running, so the subtask can't start.
  • - Warning. The job completed with errors.
  • - Failed. The job did not complete because it encountered errors.
Success Rows
Number of rows successfully written to the target.
Total number of source error rows, target error rows, and transformation errors.
Session Log
Allows you to download the session log file. By default, Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services stores session logs for 10 runs before it overwrites the logs with the latest runs. If you want to retain session logs for more than 10 runs, you can configure the Maximum Number of Log Files property in the task wizard.
Session log files are written to the following directory:
<Secure Agent installation directory>/apps/Data_Integration_Server/logs
Error Message
Error message, if any, that is associated with the job.

Individual source and target results

Individual source and target results are displayed for mapping task instances and mapping data preview jobs. Individual source and target results display details for individual sources and targets.
The individual source and target details include the following properties for each source and target:
Name of the source transformation or name of the target transformation and the target object.
Success rows
Number of rows successfully written to the target.
Affected rows
Number of rows affected by the defined task operation.
Doesn't apply to jobs based on mappings in SQL ELT mode.
Total number of source error rows, target error rows, and transformation errors.
Error message
Error message, if any, that is associated with the job.
Actions that you can take regarding the job.

Parameter details

Parameter details are displayed for job instances that contain in-out parameters or connection or object parameters that were overridden at runtime.
If the job instance includes in-out parameters, the job details display the value for each parameter after the task has completed.
For mapping task instances that include connection or object parameters that were overridden at runtime, the job details also display the location of the parameter file and the value of each parameter after the task has completed.

Sequence generator details

Sequence generator details are shown for mapping task and mapping data preview job instances that contain a Sequence Generator transformation that does not use a shared sequence.
The following table describes the properties shown for each sequence generator:
Transformation Name
Name of the Sequence Generator transformation.
Next Value
Value of the NEXTVAL output field in the Sequence Generator transformation.

SQL ELT optimization details

SQL ELT optimization details are shown for mapping task instances where the task is configured for SQL ELT optimization.
Expand the SQL ELT Optimization area to view SQL ELT details.
The SQL ELT Optimization area displays the SQL ELT type configured in the task and the type of SQL ELT the task executed. The area also displays the SQL queries pushed to the source or target, along with any errors.