Monitor > Monitoring jobs > Monitoring running jobs

Monitoring running jobs

You can monitor all running jobs on the Running Jobs page in Monitor. The Running Jobs page lists the jobs that are starting, queued, running, and suspended. The page also lists the jobs that have completed within the last five minutes.
Use the Running Jobs page for live monitoring of the jobs that are running in your organization. When you view running jobs, job properties such as end time, rows processed, and status are continuously updated.
The following image shows the Running Jobs page:
In this image, the Running Jobs page lists the jobs that are running or have completed in the last five minutes. By default, the page lists the instance name, location, subtasks, start time, end time, number of rows processed, and status for each job.
If your organization is running more than 200 jobs, the jobs are listed on multiple pages.
When a job completes, you can drill down on the job to view the job details. To drill down on a job, click the instance name.