You can monitor the details of the taskflows that are running or have run in your organization on the All Jobs, Running Jobs, orMy Jobs page. The Started By column displays the name of the user who first started the taskflow even if the taskflow is restarted by another user.
The taskflow instance name appears in the following format:
<taskflow name>-<runID>
If you had added a custom name to a taskflow name by using an API or the RunAJob utility, the taskflow name appears in the following format:
<taskflow name>-<custom name>-<runID>
The following image shows the All Jobs page that displays a taskflow instance with a custom name added to the taskflow name:
To view detailed information about a taskflow instance, click the job name on the All Jobs, Running Jobs, orMy Jobs page.
The following image shows the job details for a taskflow instance:
1Log panel. A chronological list of the activities that the taskflow has run.
2Design panel. A canvas view of the taskflow.
3Properties panel. The properties of the taskflow element that you select on the canvas. Click the Start step to view properties specific to the current taskflow instance. Click a Data Task step to see properties specific to the task.
4Variable. The input and temp variables used to run the taskflow instance. To update the variables and their associated values, click the Edit icon next to the Input or Temp variable in the Variable panel.
Start step properties
The Start step properties display information about the current run of a taskflow.
When you click the Start step, the properties panel displays the following information:
Current Run
You see the following properties:
- Instance ID. A unique number that identifies the current taskflow instance.
- Status. The state that the taskflow instance is in. Taskflows can be in the Running, Failed, Success or Suspended states.
- Last Fault Name. The cause for the fault occurrence. This field appears only when the taskflow fails.
- Error. Exception or error message.
- Start Date. The date and time at which the taskflow instance was started.
- End Date. The date and time at which the taskflow instance ended. You see an End Time value if a taskflow is in the Success or Failed states.
- Duration. The amount of time the taskflow instance ran before it completed. You see a Duration value if a taskflow is in the Success or Failed states.
- Username. The name of the user who ran this instance of the taskflow.
- Runtime Environment. The runtime environment in which the taskflow ran. You can run taskflows only in the Cloud environment.
Input Fields
Displays the name and value provided as input for the current taskflow instance.
Data Task properties
The Data Task step properties display details about the current run of the data task of a taskflow.
When you click a data task, the properties panel displays the following information:
Current Run
You see the following properties:
- Status. Indicates the status of the data integration task. A data integration task can be in the 0 (Faulted), 1 (Success), or 2 (Warning) states.
- Error. If the data integration task is in the 0 (Faulted) or 2 (Warning) states, the error message appears here.
- Start Date. The date and time that the data integration task started.
- End Date. The date and time that the data integration task ended or was suspended.
- Duration. The amount of time the data integration task ran before it completed or was suspended.
- Started By. The name of the taskflow that called the data integration task.
- Username. The name of the user who ran this instance of the taskflow.
The name and type of the Data Task step.
Data Task
You see the following properties:
- Name. The name of the data integration task.
- Type. Specifies the task type.
Input Fields
Properties specific to the data integration task that you added to a Data Task step.
You see the following properties:
- Wait for Task to Complete. Indicates if the Data Task step waits for the data integration task to complete. This value is always Yes.
- Max Wait (Seconds). The maximum length of time in seconds that the Data Task step waits for the data integration task to complete.
- Task Name. The name of the data integration task.
- GUID. The unique identifying number of the data integration task.
- Task Type. Specifies the task type.
- Has Inout Parameters. Indicates whether the data integration task contains input parameters or output parameters.
Output Fields
You see output field properties if the State of the data integration task is 1 (Success).
Properties specific to the completed data integration task appear here.
If the data integration task faulted, you see the following properties:
- Code. Indicates whether the fault is an error or a warning.
- Reason. Indicates the cause of the error or fault.
- Detail. Provides details about the error or fault.
You see the output field properties when the data integration task status is 3 (Failed) and one of the following conditions are met:
- The On Error field is set to Ignore or Custom error handling.
- The Fail taskflow on completion option is set to If this task fails.
Notification Task properties
The Notification Task step properties display details about the current run of the Notification Task of a taskflow.
When you click a Notification Task, the Properties panel displays the following information:
The name of the Notification Task step.
Displays the following input fields of the Notification Task:
- Email To. The primary recipients for the email notification.
- Email Cc. The recipients who need to be sent a copy of the email notification.
- Email Bcc. The additional recipients who need to be sent a copy of the email notification. The recipients in the Email To and Email Cc fields will not be able to see the recipients in the Email Bcc field. If the field contains more than one recipient, the recipients will not be able to see the other recipients in the Email Bcc field.
- Email Subject. A short and descriptive subject that introduces the email.
- Email Content Type. The type of formatting that the email content uses.
- Email Body. The content that the email contains.
If you selected the email body as Content, the email content appears within HTML tags. For example, <p>Hello World</p>
Command Task step properties
The Command Task step properties display details of the current run of the command task in a taskflow.
When you click a command task in the taskflow, the Properties panel displays the following properties:
Displays the name of the command task.
Input Fields
Displays the value of the runtime environment, script file name, input arguments, and work directory that you configure for the command task. The fields also display the maximum length of time in seconds that the command task step waits for the task to complete.
Output Fields
Displays the value of the run ID, start and end time, exit code, execution status, and standard error. The output fields are displayed only if the command task executes successfully.
Displays the value of the run ID, start and end time, exit code, execution status, and standard error. The fault fields are displayed only if the command task fails due to a script failure. The details help you analyze the reason for the fault occurrence. You can then take an appropriate action on the faulted command task and proceed with the execution of the taskflow.
If the Command Task step contains multiple script files, you can view all the scripts in the taskflow instance as subtasks of the command task from the All Jobs, Running Jobs, orMy Jobs page. If a script fails, the status of the script is set to failed. You can also download the log file to understand the reason for the script failure.
Subtaskflow step properties
The Subtaskflow step properties display details about the current run of the subtaskflow.
When you click a Subtaskflow step, the Properties panel displays the following information:
Input Fields
Displays the input fields that you had configured along with their associated values.
If the subtaskflow step faulted, you see the following properties:
- Code. Indicates whether the fault is an error or a warning.
- Reason. Indicates the cause of the error or fault.
- Source. Provides details about the error or fault. If a Data Task step that uses a mapping task fails, the subtaskflow name followed by the mapping task name is displayed.
Output Fields
Displays the output fields of the subtaskflow along with their associated values.
Throw step properties
The Throw step properties display the fault details for the taskflow or the step that is associated with the Throw step.
If the step preceding the Throw step or the step with which the Throw step is associated faulted, the Fault field in the Properties panel displays the following details:
•Code. Displays the fault code.
•Reason. Displays the cause of the fault.
•Details. Displays the details about the fault.
End step properties
The End step properties display details about the current run of the taskflow.
When you click an End step, the Properties panel displays the following information:
If the End step faulted, you see the following properties:
- Code. Displays the fault code. The code is set to faultDueToNotRunOrFaulted if the subtaskflow associated with the Subtaskflow step failed or did not run.
- Reason. Indicates the cause of the error or fault.
- Source. Displays the path of the step that faulted