With the JDK library and Spring Boot update in the February 2025 release, the JDK directory structure on the Secure Agent machine has changed. If you need to reimport SSL certificates, Kerberos configuration, or policy files to the JDK libraries, ensure that you import the files to the correct JDK directory.
•If you installed a Secure Agent after the February 2025 release, import the required files into the following directory:
<Secure Agent installation directory>/jdk8
Note: For Data Ingestion and Replication Oracle and Kafka sources or targets, no action is required. You don't need to import the certificates into the jdk8 folder.
•If you installed a Secure Agent before the February 2025 release, you can continue to import the required files into the following directory:
<Secure Agent installation directory>/jdk
For more information about the JDK directory structure for your applicable connector, see Connections.
RunAJob encryption key security
Before you encrypt a password with the RunAJob utility, you must set a custom password to store the encryption key. Previously, setting a custom password was optional.