What's New > MDM - Customer 360 SaaS > Changed behavior

Changed behavior

The April 2025 release includes the following changed behavior.

Facetable system fields

When you filter records on the search results page, system fields that are text fields aren't case-sensitive. For example, if the LastUpdatedBy field has values in different cases across records, such as Andrea, andrea, and AndRea, MDM SaaS treats them as a single value. When you filter records, the value appears as andrea in the LastUpdatedBy field.
Previously, filters with system fields that were text fields were case-sensitive.
For more information about filtering records, see Filtering search results.

Manage dashboards

You can now use the New tab to create dashboards and go to the Dashboards tab to view the dashboards that you create or those that are shared with you. To visualize data in reports, use the Reports and Dashboards page.
Previously, you could manage a dashboard from the Home page.
For more information about managing dashboards, see Manage Dashboards.