What's New > Application Integration > Changed behaviors

Changed behaviors

The April 2025 release of Application Integration includes the following changed behaviors:

Daylight Saving Time changes and schedules

Application Integration Console now applies Daylight Saving Time changes when you create a scheduled process. It lists and sorts the time based on Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and supports many more time zones.
Previously, Application Integration Console displayed a limited set of time zones without UTC.
For more information, see Monitor.

Duplicate process output fields in the modern view

In the modern view, when you import a project from an attachment and the process includes an output field named Created Account, the Create step also adds another output field named Created Account. Therefore, the process displays two Created Account fields in the modern view. You can ignore the duplication because it does not cause any issue with the process.
In the classic view, only one Created Account field appears.
For more information, see Design.

Filter changes in the Logs page of Application Integration Console

In Application Integration Console, when you view logs on the Deployments tab, you see a new Add Filter list with the following options:
Previously, the Log Contents, Deployed Between, and Name options were displayed as separate fields.
When you view logs on the Server tab for a Secure Agent, you see the following changes:
For more information, see Monitor.

New symbol for end of flow

A new symbol The new end symbol indicating end of flow.now appears in Decision step, Parallel Paths step, and steps with multiple branches to indicate the end of a flow.
Previously, a rhombus symbol Previously used end symbol indicating end of flow.was used to indicate the end of a flow.
For more information, see Design.

Run On field renaming

On the app connection creation page, the Run On field that you use to select the runtime environment is now renamed to Runtime Environment.
For more information, see Design.