A bundle is a set of related assets that you can use to improve productivity and enhance the quality of your Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services projects. Data Integration users design, create, and publish bundles. Administrators manage bundles.
If you are the administrator for an organization, you can perform the following actions to manage bundles:
Install a bundle.
You can install a public, private, or unlisted bundle that the bundle designer has configured to be used as a reference. When you install a bundle, the bundle is installed into the Add-On Bundles project on the Explore page. Users in your organization can use the assets in the bundle, but they cannot edit the assets.
Copy a bundle.
You can copy a public, private, or unlisted bundle that the bundle designer has configured for copying. When you copy a bundle, you select the folder where you want to copy the bundle contents. You can copy a bundle multiple times and save the contents into a different project or folder each time that you copy it. After you copy a bundle, users in your organization can edit the assets.
Upgrade a bundle.
If you installed a bundle and a newer version of the bundle is available, you can upgrade the bundle to get the latest version.
Uninstall a bundle.
If your organization no longer needs an installed bundle, you can uninstall it.
To view the bundles that are installed or are available to your organization, in Administrator, select Add-On Bundles. The Add-on Bundles page displays information about installed bundles, copied bundles, and bundles that are available for installation or copying.
For information about creating or publishing bundles, see Asset Management in the Data Integration service help.