Licenses are categorized as edition licenses, connector licenses, and custom licenses.
The following license categories are available:
Edition licenses
Edition licenses can be feature-based or usage-based. Feature-based edition licenses provide access to Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services features such as Data Integrationmapping tasks, business services components, and fine-grained security. Usage-based edition licenses, such as the license for the Intelligent Cloud Data Management feature, provide access to Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services using a pre-paid consumption model.
Connector licenses
Connector licenses provide connectivity to entities such as Amazon Redshift, Microsoft SQL Server, and Oracle.
Custom licenses
Custom licenses are licenses that are not part of an edition. They provide access to features, packages, or bundles. If your organization uses a custom license that provides access to a feature that is also included in an edition license, the terms of the custom license override the terms of the edition license.