Secure Agent Services > API Microgateway Service > Editing the API Microgateway Service properties

Editing the API Microgateway Service properties

Edit the API Microgateway Service properties in Administrator.
The following image shows the API Microgateway Service properties you can edit in the System Configuration Details area:
The API Microgateway Service is selected for all types in the System Configuration Details area. For each property, the list shows the type, name, and value.
The following table describes the API Microgateway Service configurations:
Name of the project that stores the API configurations. You can change the name as per requirement, for example when you create a new project.
Note: Project name must not contain the characters /or /0. If a project name includes restricted characters, the project creation fails.
Name of the local Docker registry that contains all the named and tagged API Microgateway Docker images on the Secure Agent machine.
Note: Docker image and tag names must not contain the following characters: - _ , . If a Docker image or tag name includes restricted characters, the image build fails.
First Docker image container that deploys on the Secure Agent machine, alternates with green.
You can change the following ports of the blue container:
  • - http-port. The default value is: 16090
  • - https-port. The default value is: 16095
Second Docker image container that deploys on the Secure Agent machine, alternates with blue.
You can change the following ports of the green container:
  • - http-port. The default value is: 17090
  • - https-port. The default value is: 17095
Router of the Docker image containers on the Secure Agent machine. Switches traffic between blue and green containers.
You can change the following ports of the haproxy container:
  • - http-port. The default value is: 6090
  • - https-port. The default value is: 6095
Note: To stop the API Microgateway, stop all three Docker image containers.